Saskatchewan suspends alcohol sales in La Roche to prevent coronavirus epidemic
Alcohol is no longer available for purchase in northern communities La roche After health officials say too many people spread the novel Coronavirus By drinking together.
“The reason we have so much spread is the people we drink together, smoke out, and drive with us,” said Dr. Lim Zayed, a health officer at the Athabasca Department of Health, on Thursday. Said in a statement.
“It’s mostly young people who know that the risk factors are low, but it’s extremely harmful to vulnerable people. Some are hospitalized and long away from their families.”
The state has suspended all beverage-alcohol-related sales, distribution and consumption sites at the request of La Roche Mayor Robert St. Pierre.
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A family of 15 navigates outbreaks of COVID-19 at home in First Nation, Saskatchewan
On Thursday, Saint-Pierre informed Minister of Government, Loriker, that the La Roche Council had passed a recommendation to ban alcohol.
After further discussions with the community and indigenous leaders, the government says it has decided to shut down all liquor retailers as recommended.
As of Saturday, SLGA The retail and La Roche private off sale will be closed for two weeks. Liquor stores in other parts of the state are considered essential services and continue to operate.
The Department of Health and the Saskatchewan Department of Health say it will help people facing withdrawal symptoms, including alcoholism programs in their communities.
Addiction workers in the area are calling to call 811 if they have withdrawal symptoms, or 911 if none of the seemingly fatal symptoms of alcohol withdrawal are present.
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State COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing The epicenter is in the northernmost part of Saskatchewan, with 150 of 184 active.
On Friday, Saskatchewan Chief Medical Officer Dr. Sakib Shahab said most cases in the north were in adolescents and young adults.
This is reflected in the number of states in which the number of state young demographics is skyrocketing.
As of Saturday, people under the age of 40 account for almost 50% of Saskatchewan’s COVID-19 cases.
People under 19 make up 13% of the state’s 553 cases, and people aged 20 to 35 make up 35% of all cases.
On Friday, Scott Moe begged young people in the north to take the novel coronavirus seriously.
“I ask La Roche young people to take their personal responsibilities very seriously,” Moh said. “And I’m not only in the right physical distance to them, how to protect themselves, but also in the elders and their families, the communities I know they love and cherish so much. Ask them to pay attention to how they protect their elders. “
Getting young people to understand the risks associated with COVID-19 has become a local problem in many communities.
Under 44, many cases are prevalent over the months.
In early April, the state launched a targeted advertising campaign for young people through Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to educate about the new coronavirus.
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The Saskatchewan indigenous community is “frustrated and angry” to fight the outbreak of the coronavirus
“Especially around the age of 12 to 29, there are messages about precautions such as hand washing and social distance,” Shahab said on April 11.
“Emphasis on the need for us all to take care and stay healthy, which protects us and the most vulnerable.”
The Prime Minister repeated Friday that the virus was non-selective.
“This is a caution for all of us in the state, whether in La Roche, Esteban, or Esterhazy, to be alerted to how quickly the virus spreads to the community,” Mo said. .. “It’s indiscriminate.”
Questions about COVID-19 Here are some things you need to know:
Health officials warn against all international travel. Returning travelers are legally required to self-isolate for 14 days from March 26 to prevent the symptoms from spreading the virus to others. Some states and territories have additional recommendations or implementation measures in place to ensure return to the area.
Symptom It is very similar to a cold or flu, with a fever, cough, and breathing difficulty. Some people may develop more serious illnesses. The people most at risk for this include the elderly and people with severe chronic medical conditions such as heart, lung or kidney disease. If you have symptoms Contact public health authorities..
To Prevent the spread of viruses, Professionals recommend frequent hand washing and coughing in the sleeves. It’s also a good idea to minimize contact with others and stay at home as much as possible and keep a distance of 2 meters from others when you go out.
For full COVID-19 coverage of Global News, click here..
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