The death of the child was reported.Sick animal found
Colorado Health Authority Thursday After a lab report confirmed the presence of plague in animals and fleas in six counties, they urged residents to pay attention to local wildlife.
According to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, the warning was issued after a 10-year-old resident recently died of a complication of the disease. The state’s last plague-related death was in 2015. The Denver Post Report..
“I am very sad to have lost this young Colorado. I would like to extend my deepest condolences to my family,” said Dr. Jennifer House of the Department of Health about the death of her child in early July. “Public health is conducting epidemiological studies and wants Colorado to know that the disease is very rare, but it happens from time to time and seek medical care if there are symptoms.”
Plague A wide range of diseases that spread to various animals such as rodents, flies, and humans. The disease is derived from Yersinia pestis, which is found all over the world. There are three forms of plague: bubonic plague, sepsis, and lung plague.
July 2020:Colorado squirrels are positive for bubonic plague, health officials say
more:Fact check: A case of bubonic plague found in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China
Colorado health officials said plague growth was expected this time this year and would not be a source of great concern if appropriate precautions were taken. In the last five years, two plagues have been reported in Colorado. According to state public health data.
“In Colorado, we expect flea plague tests to be positive during the summer,” House, who represents CDPHE’s state epidemiologist and public health veterinarian, said in a press release. “Awareness and precautions help prevent people from getting sick. People rarely get plague, but we want to make sure everyone knows the symptoms.”
Plague can become a serious illness if left untreated, but early detection of symptoms can reduce its severity. Infectious disease expert Leonard Krilov I told USA Today earlier. Symptoms often include fever, headache, chills, and swollen lymph nodes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Humans can get plague by being bitten by infected fleas or by direct contact with infected animals. Pets can also catch illness through contact with infected fleas, the press release said.
more:Colorado squirrels are positive for bubonic plague, health officials say
Animal-borne diseases such as plague are present all year round, but the risk of infection tends to increase during the summer months when humans and animals are likely to be in close contact, the press release said. Stated. British Tosh, an infectious disease specialist and researcher at the Mayo Clinic, told USA TODAY earlier that the continuous presence of plague in animals eliminates the occurrence of plague within human populations. Is difficult.
“If you have a zoonotic disease, or if it comes from an animal, there is a reservoir that will exist until you remove that reservoir,” Tosh said, which eliminates all animals that carry the disease. Will demand that.
“Most human pesto cases are obtained directly from fleas,” CDPHE said. People can reduce their risk of plague by following the department’s tips on “controlling the presence of wildlife and fleas around them.” [their] House. “
Pet owners can protect themselves and their animals by tying them to a leash when they are outside and keeping them away from wild rodent habitats. Residents need to move home plants and groceries from the outer walls of the home to avoid attracting wild rodents to the home.Complete list of tips You can find it in the CDPHE press release..
Contribution: Mary Bowerman, Matthew brown And Ryan W. Miller, USA TODAY; Associated Press
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