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Lupus patients should pay particular attention to Covid-19, says doctors, Health News and ET Health World


Doctors say lupus patients should pay particular attention to Covid-19Hyderabad: Patients with autoimmune disease need special attention to their health during these days of the Covid-19 pandemic, doctors worldwide say Lupus Day.

Lupus or Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks its own tissues and weakens the body.

Patients with lupus are on immunosuppressive medications, which increases their risk of developing infections such as Coronavirus, Especially in the elderly and other comorbidities.

Global survey results show that people in the elderly category and those suffering from autoimmune diseases are at increased risk of developing Covid-19.

“The treatment protocol prescribed for lupus patients can increase the risk of opportunistic infections and lead to complications. Therefore, prevention is one of the most important tools for such patients to fight Covid-19. One, ”said consultant Dr. Aruna Sree Malipeddi. Rheumatologist, Continental Hospital.

Lupus affects 1 in 1,000 people in India, the majority of whom are women. The male-to-female ratio for people affected by lupus is estimated to be 1:11. It can be a life-threatening illness that affects women in the 15-45 age group.

“It is important to note the common symptoms of infections, such as fever, dyspnea, cough, and chest discomfort among lupus patients. Experienced people need urgent treatment at home and for high-risk symptoms, “Dr. Aruna said.

If the situation is justified, such patients should not be afraid to come to the hospital, as the hospital has adequate precautions and does not need to panic.

People with lupus should not stop taking lupus medications if they are diagnosed with a positive coronavirus unless advised by their doctor. If you stop taking the drug suddenly, the symptoms will increase and your body will be stressed.

Doctors say that patients who are already taking steroids should not stop taking them suddenly and should discuss their dose with their doctor. There has been much debate about hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for the treatment of Covid-19 and its adverse effects on heart rhythm. Patients with lupus should continue to take HCQ as advised by their doctor.
According to Dr. V. Sarath Chandra Mouli, a rheumatologist at AKIMS Hospital, Lupus can affect one or many organs such as skin, joints, muscles, kidneys, nerves, brain, heart and lungs.

The disease is believed to be caused by a combination of genetic, hormonal and environmental factors. But it is not an epidemic.

“In lupus patients, instead of protecting the antibody from viruses, bacteria, and other foreign substances, the antibody (the type of protein) attacks its tissue cells. Common symptoms are marked hair loss, fever, and recurrent stomatitis. , A red rash on the cheeks (a butterfly rash), fatigue, weight loss, joint pain and swelling. “

Extreme fatigue is extremely troublesome, even in some properly managed lupus patients, and therefore proper rest is essential. Regular exercise, physical therapy, yoga, meditation, positive thinking, and relaxation therapies can also help.


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