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Type 1 diabetes sentenced to death a century ago | News


According to endocrinologists at two hospitals in Valley, a person diagnosed with type I diabetes may have been sentenced to death before insulin was discovered in 1921.

Dr. Michael Adler, an endocrinologist at Evangelical Community Hospital, and Dr. Jodie Reider, an endocrinologist at Geisinger, discussed the anniversary of the discovery of insulin this week.

“The only cure was to get people on a low-carb diet,” Adler said. “People lose weight, become skeletonized, and starve before painful death. That was the only way people could slightly extend their lives.”

Raider said it’s easy to forget about life a century ago. Her oldest patient was in her 80s and had diabetes for most of his life.

“People didn’t live that long before, but now they do,” says Reider. “This is a testament to what science can achieve and how people can support it.”

“People have been’death sentenced’in Type I,” Adler said.

“Diabetes is a big struggle to keep people alive, and now people can live a much more normal life, reduce complications, and have a family. This is not surprising. It’s humble to understand how far we’ve come, and it’s only been 100 years, “Adler said.

Over the last 100 years, diabetics have been able to move from hopelessness to the lives of people without diabetes, according to Adler.

“Diabetes is a disease that affects every moment of your life,” Adler said. “Is your sugar low? High? What are you eating? What are your medicines? Hope is the main thing you want to give people.”

Over the last 100 years, diabetes treatments have increased, from insulin injections to sophisticated syringes, pens and insulin pumps. People with sensors can now track their blood glucose levels at any time, Adler and Reider said.

Insulin wasn’t perfect at first and there was no way to monitor blood sugar, Reider said. The original glass syringe had to be boiled to sterilize and had to be sharpened frequently, which was time consuming. She said that even the early blood glucose monitors took a long time.

A hybrid system with a continuous blood glucose monitor and a pump and monitor is a “blessing of heaven,” Reider said.

Technology and cures have really exploded in the last 20 years. The monitor can send information to loved ones and set alarms for conditions that can lead to hypoglycemia and spikes, she said.

REider predicts more glycemic monitors and hybrid systems for Type 1 patients. She foresaw advances in the artificial pancreas system. She said she had fewer complications and was well prepared to extend her lifespan.

“It’s an exciting time to help diabetics,” she said. “It’s difficult for someone who does everything they can, but it’s still struggling.”





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