Despite updated CDC guidance, there are no new state mask rules
Governor Gretchen Whitmer soon issued a mask mandate and other new COVID-19 pandemic orders on Tuesday, despite federal health officials issuing new guidance requiring mask-up even for fully vaccinated individuals. He said he did not expect to issue it to.
After an affordable home announcement in Detroit, Whitmer said, “I don’t anticipate another pandemic order in the near future, and perhaps never before.”
“In fact, we know a lot about this virus and we have a vaccine. The best way to stay safe is to get vaccinated. I really do for everyone. I strongly recommend that you do. ”
Michigan is currently experiencing some of the lowest pandemic case rates, hospitalizations and mortality trends. However, Whitmer wore a mask before and after speaking at the event. She was fully vaccinated and the event took place in a large semi-open space.
The Governor said Dr. Johnny Cardun, the state’s chief medical officer, advised her to wear a mask indoors.
“As long as COVID spreads from person to person, whether it’s in Alabama or half the world, it can continue to change. Ultimately, our people who have been vaccinated. We may see vulnerable changes, “said Whitmer.
“That’s why, as long as COVID is present, it’s always wise for us all to be vaccinated and to wear a mask when we’re inside and nearby.”
The Governor’s comment came shortly before the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced anything about mask guidelines. Authorities recommended that people who were fully vaccinated with COVID-19 on Tuesday afternoon resume wearing masks while indoors in the country’s hotspots of the pandemic.
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The CDC also recommended that everyone in the school, from kindergarten to high school, wear a mask, even if they are fully vaccinated. However, the CDC states that it is safe to return to face-to-face learning if students and staff follow health guidance.
Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, said the recommendation was aimed at protecting children and people who could not be vaccinated, such as immunodeficiency.
However, it is also an effort to prevent the spread of additional viruses that can lead to more dangerous variants of the coronavirus.
“The next variant, which can appear just a few mutations away, may evade the vaccine,” Warensky said in a conference call with reporters.
The recommendation, which is a reversal of the guidelines issued in May, suggesting that fully vaccinated people will be protected from the virus, is an exponentially more contagious form of the virus that has devastated the country’s territories. At lower vaccination rates, it aims to combat the spread of delta variants of the coronavirus.
The new CDC recommendations apply to areas with high or significant infection rates.
Fifteen states (mainly in the south) are classified as having high COVID-19 infection rates. According to the CDC.. They are Missouri, Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Nevada, Arizona, Alaska. The US Virgin Islands also have a high infection rate.
The additional 13 states are considered to have what the CDC considers to be a substantial spread of the virus. They are Washington, Oregon, Montana, Utah, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Hawaii, New York and New Jersey. Puerto Rico also has a significant proportion of coronavirus infections.
“This puts a lot of strain on me. Eighteen months after this pandemic, people are not only tired but also frustrated. There are mental health problems in this country and many in this country. Illness and death continue, “Wolenksy said.
“In all that context, I know that masking will be part of the lives of those who have already been vaccinated, which is not welcome news.”
more:Michigan Withdraws Most COVID-19 Limits June 22: What You Need To Know
more:The CDC says there is no mask to be fully vaccinated.Michigan orders still often require masks
Michigan’s current COVID-19 trends are among the highest in the country. Transmission rates are considered “moderate” by the CDC, but recent data show that, as in all other states, the situation is heading in the wrong direction again. According to the New York Times Coronavirus Tracker..
Hotspots and epidemics of cases nationwide are caused by delta mutants, which are considered to be the most contagious strains of virus to date. According to the CDC, this is currently the most predominant form in the United States.
Michigan was attacked by the B.1.1.7 variant (now known as the alpha variant) in the spring and was confirmed in the United Kingdom. This strain is considered to be 50% more infectious than other previous virus strains and has surged throughout the state, with hospitalization and death in some cases.
The delta variant appears to be even more contagious than the alpha strain.Study by UK Public Health Services Delta suggests that it is 60% more contagious than Alpha.
Whitmer and Michigan health officials say they rely on federal guidance to determine state policy. But when the CDC suddenly announced that fully vaccinated people could throw away their masks in most environments, the governor and her administration were surprised.
The announcement caused immediate confusion and frustration, especially for companies that seem to be tasked with checking the vaccination status of their customers. Within a few days, Michigan updated its own rules to reflect federal guidelines.
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Whitmer defended regulations that restricted rallies and required masking for most of the pandemic. Critics screaming over mandates and business closures were formidable, but the governor claimed that the measures saved lives.
However, the increased availability of the COVID-19 vaccine has moved Whitmer and the State Health Director away from the strictest rules. Whitmer and Elizabeth Hartel, director of the Department of Health and Human Services, refused to revive health orders in the spring as incidents increased, urging residents to immunize instead. Michigan has become the worst pandemic hotspot in the country and stayed there for weeks until cases, hospitalizations, and deaths began to decline.
With improved trends and CDC mask guidance, Whitmer and Hartel began rolling back most pandemic regulations in June ahead of previously announced plans.
more:Michigan Coronavirus Cases: Pandemic Tracking
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Despite the virus surge earlier this year, Michigan has survived a storm of far better variants than any other state. The average daily number of cases, hospitalizations and deaths per 100,000 residents is one of the lowest in the country.
But what is clear is the number of coronavirus infections in Michigan. Inching upwardsAs the number of known delta variant cases in the state increases, so does the percentage of positive tests.
The state’s seven-day average number of cases was up to 332 as of Friday, the highest since the beginning of June. Hospitalizations have declined significantly over the past month, but have leveled off and appear ready to increase again.
On June 21, the State Department of Health reported 25 known cases of highly contagious mutants identified by whole genome sequencing. As of July 23, there were 81 known cases across the state in just over a month.
However, health officials acknowledge that the actual number of cases of delta virus is likely to be much higher. This is because only a small number of coronavirus test samples undergo sequencing to determine if they are mutant cases. It also takes a week to complete the sequence process for each test.
Although vaccination rates are declining, about 53.6% of Michiganers over the age of 12 are completely vaccinated against COVID-19.
People who have been fully vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine have been shown to be well protected from hospitalization and death from delta mutations, but some breakthrough cases have been reported nationwide. ..
People who have been vaccinated with a single mRNA vaccine, such as Moderna or Pfizer, are not well protected from this mutant. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said that only about 33% of patients are effective in preventing sympatric COVID-19 after 3 weeks with a single injection. ..
The daily mortality rate of COVID-19 remains at one of the lowest points in the pandemic, but the increase in mortality has historically been on the rise only after a sustained increase in case rates and hospitalizations.
Michigan recently passed 900,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases, as the start of a pandemic could exceed 20,000 deaths by the end of summer.
Please contact Dave Boucher at [email protected] or 313-938-4591. Follow him on Twitter @ Dave_Boucher1.
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