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Arkansas Hospital states that one ICU patient has not been vaccinated as a delta surge


An official at Arkansas’ largest medical institution said no COVID-19 patients had been vaccinated in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Baptist Health Medical Center Little Rock.

“The majority of patients in the hospital are not vaccinated,” said Dr. Eric Bravo, medical director of the Baptist Health Hospitalist Program. Newsweek on Wednesday. “I have never personally seen anyone vaccinated in the ICU.”

On Tuesday, Arkansas’ COVID-19 hospitalization peaked since January 27th. The state health ministry reported that 387 patients received intensive care and 205 patients were on mechanical ventilation. Only 3 percent of Arkansas ICU beds remain available.

“This January-February really peaked at COVID and was much better by April or May. Then, in the last 4-6 weeks, COVID has dramatically increased hospitals,” Bravo said. Mr. says.

“In the last few weeks or so, we have opened more ICU beds, and unfortunately we have made some of these COVID rooms semi-private, that is, two patients in one room. You have to, “he added.

Aside from vaccination, Bravo said the biggest change seen in infected individuals since the delta mutant became the predominant strain in the United States was far more than when the patient had a previous wave of coronavirus. It means that they tend to be young.

“I now have a 20-year-old kid who is involved in life support. He is a crazy and healthy kid,” he said. “I don’t know why he got it. He wasn’t vaccinated. But in my dream, a 20-year-old kid is on a COVID ventilator. I didn’t think. “

“Last year, patients were generally older and had many comorbidities, including heart problems, cancer, and lung problems,” he explained. “This time there are a few really sick young people. There are no medical problems at all and some really really sick young people aged 40-50. We weren’t. Look at it last year. . “

Adolescents in ICU patients unvaccinated with Arkansas
“I have never personally seen anyone vaccinated in the ICU,” Dr. Eric Bravo of Bapist Health told Newsweek. Clinicians will perform a tracheostomy in patients with COVID-19ICU at the Providence Holy Cross Medical Center on February 17, 2021 in Los Angeles, California.
Mario Tama / Getty

Bravo, who is also the chief of staff at Baptist Health Medical Center Little Rock, said he was most shocked by the fact that most of the patients he saw were healthy, unvaccinated individuals.

“The scary thing is that these 20 and 40 years old have no medical problems. They are your average child or average mom who worked one day and got sick the next day. Daddy, and now they are in ICU. “

According to data from the Arkansas Department of Health, the highest proportion of COVID-19 cases in the state is for residents aged 25-34, followed by residents aged 65 and over and 34-44.

Experts are not yet sure if there is a direct correlation between age and delta mutants, but highly contagious strains are having a major impact on the country’s young population.

Some believe that the virus is predominantly transmitted among younger groups, as most older people are vaccinated, especially children under the age of 12 who have not yet been vaccinated.

In recent weeks, Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson has become one of the most prominent Republican leaders advocating vaccination and calling for unvaccinated people.

On Tuesday, the governor said in a statement: “Vaccines are the best antidote for our growing numbers. The best antidote for fear is the advice of a trusted adviser.”

“There’s a big vaccination push here, but it seems like it’s late to get here,” Bravo said. Newsweek..

Doctors warned Arkansas to be especially vigilant when returning to school in the coming weeks.

“We know that people will become more mixed with schools, children and teachers. These little children under the age of 12 who cannot be vaccinated are certainly carriers and schools. It may be sent to adults in the school. Radar. ” “It’s going to be a problem in the last few weeks, so I think we need to check.”




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