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Causes of DNA Mutations in Melanoma-ScienceDaily

Causes of DNA Mutations in Melanoma-ScienceDaily


The mutations that cause melanoma result from the chemical transformation of sunlight-fueled DNA-a previously believed DNA copy error, as well as a study by Van Andel Institute scientists published today. Has been reported. Science Advances..

The findings overturn long-standing beliefs about the underlying mechanisms of the disease, strengthen the importance of preventive efforts, and provide a path for progress in investigating the origins of other types of cancer.

“Cancer results from DNA mutations that allow defective cells to survive and invade other tissues, but in most cases the cause of these mutations is unclear and with treatment. It complicates the development of preventative measures, “says Dr. Gerd Pfeifer. , Professor of VAI and the corresponding author of the study. “In melanoma, we have shown that sun damage stimulates DNA by creating” premutations, “which are replaced by complete mutations during DNA replication. “

Melanoma is a serious type of skin cancer that begins with pigment-producing skin cells. Although less common than other types of skin cancer, melanoma is more likely to spread and invade other tissues, significantly reducing patient survival. Previous large-scale sequencing studies have shown that melanoma has the most DNA mutations in any cancer. Like other skin cancers, melanoma is associated with exposure to sunlight, especially a type of radiation called UVB. Exposure to UVB damages skin cells and intracellular DNA.

Most cancers are thought to begin when DNA damage causes a direct mutation and then is copied to the next generation of cells during normal cell replication. But in the case of melanoma, Pfeiffer and his team have discovered another mechanism that causes disease-causing mutations. It is the introduction of mutated chemical bases that are not normally found in DNA.

DNA is composed of four chemical bases that are present in pairs of adenine (A) and thymine (T), and cytosine (C) and guanine (G). Different sequences of these pairs encode all the instructions in life. In melanoma, when UVB radiation from the sun hits a specific base sequence (CC, TT, TC, CT), it causes problems and chemically binds and becomes unstable. The resulting instability causes a chemical change in cytosine that is converted to uracil. Uracil is a chemical base found in messenger molecular RNA but not in DNA. This change, called “premutation,” stimulates DNA to mutate during normal cell replication, thereby causing the underlying changes in melanoma.

These mutations may not cause the disease immediately. Instead, they may have been dormant for years. They can also accumulate over time, increasing a person’s lifetime exposure to sunlight, resulting in cancers that are difficult to treat, avoiding many treatment options.

“Safe sun practices are very important. In our study, exposure to UVB light for 10 to 15 minutes is equivalent to what a person experiences at noon and is sufficient to cause premutation. I did, “said Pfeiffer. “Our cells have built-in safety devices to repair DNA damage, but this process can slip through something. When it comes to preventing melanoma, it’s generally about protecting the skin. Is the best bet. “

The findings were made possible using a method developed by Pfeifer’s lab called Circle Damage Sequencing that allows scientists to “destroy” DNA at each point where damage occurs. The DNA is then coaxialized into a circle and replicated thousands of times using a technique called PCR. Once sufficient DNA is available, next-generation sequencing is used to identify the DNA bases present in the break. In the future, Pfeifer and colleagues plan to use this powerful technique to investigate other types of DNA damage in different types of cancer.

Other authors include VAI’s Dr. Sungijin, Dean Pettinga, Jennifer Johnson, and Dr. Pay Paley.

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material Provided by Van Andel Institute.. Note: The content can be edited in style and length.





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