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Colorado Local Health Department issues mask guidance

Colorado Local Health Department issues mask guidance
Colorado Local Health Department issues mask guidance


Local health officials have stopped requiring the use of masks in indoor environments to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The District Health Department of Colorado-Denver, USA recommends, but does not require, wearing a mask indoors in accordance with the new COVID-19 guidance issued, regardless of vaccination status. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Triggered by an increase in cases caused by delta variants of the virus.

Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) Because Jefferson County is in the “substantial” category of CDC infection risk, all residents over the age of 2 “indoors to minimize risk and maximize protection from COVID-19. It is highly recommended to wear a mask in public spaces. “

> Video above: Colorado public health officials talk about “ping-pong” mask guidelines.

“Because of stagnant vaccination and the rapid increase in COVID-19 cases again in Jeffco, the widespread distribution of delta variants makes us all love ourselves and our children, including those who do not. This additional step needs to be taken to protect people. They are not yet eligible for vaccination, “said Dr. Dawn Comstock, Executive Director of JCPH, in the release. “We know this is disappointing news, especially after months of progress. We have our community working hard during this battle with COVID-19. But I don’t want to give up on the ground. Taking the precautions recommended right now can minimize viral infections and prevent further spread of delta variants. ”

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Tri-County Health Department (TCHD) The release stated that as the community infection rate of COVID-19 increases, it is recommended that everyone wear a mask in a public indoor environment.

“One of the things I learned over and over again during the pandemic is to anticipate the unexpected,” said TCHD Executive Director Dr. John Douglas in the release. It is clear that vaccination as soon as possible is the best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19, as it is a useful means of stopping the spread of infection. “We are in the fight against time to vaccinate more people before the delta spreads further or new, more contagious variants emerge.”

According to this release, the three counties served by TCHD, Arapaho, Adams and Douglas, are also all in the “substantial” category, with a 7-day incidence of over 50 per 100,000 inhabitants. I am.

Related: Police requires unvaccinated state personnel to undergo regular COVID-19 testing

Bloomfield Public Health and Environment (BPHE) It also recommends the use of masks in public places indoors, citing an increase in COVID-19 cases that put Bloomfield in the “substantial” category.

“Bloomfield did a great job of being vaccinated and following public health protection, but new data show that fully vaccinated people infected with the delta variant can infect others with the virus. It suggests that there is sex, “said Jason Burling, director of public health at BPHE. “The only most important step you can take is to get vaccinated as soon as possible to protect yourself and the most vulnerable of us.”

Related: Jeffco Public School Announces Mask Policy for Next School Year

NS Denver Department of Public Health and Environment (DDPHE) He said he reviewed the CDC’s new guidance and encouraged people and businesses to “decide to wear the best face cover for them.”

Denver’s hospitalization rate remains low despite the increase in COVID-19 cases, according to DDPHE’s announcement, but its 7-day incidence is above the “substantial” threshold.

Despite the protection against serious illness provided by the COVID-19 vaccine, the delta mutant has been found to be highly contagious even among fully vaccinated people. Health officials estimate that this variant is more than twice as contagious as its predecessor.

Related: CDC documentation warns that delta variants appear to be as contagious as chickenpox

Recommended video: COVID-19 coronavirus




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