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Vaccination in childhood has plummeted since the outbreak of COVID-19, according to the CDC


According to the CDC, childhood vaccination has plummeted since the Covid-19 pandemic began hitting the United States.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, vaccinations for children have plummeted since the Covid-19 pandemic began to spread throughout the United States.

The CDC reported a “significant reduction” in the number of vaccines ordered through a federal program that vaccinates half of all children in the country. The CDC warns that non-vaccinated or non-vaccinated children are at risk for infections other than coronaviruses.

“The decline began the week after the National Emergency Declaration. Similar declines in orders for other vaccines were also observed,” reported Dr. Jeanne Santoli of the CDC.

“Since the requirement for social distance is relaxed, children who are not protected by vaccine are more susceptible to diseases such as measles.”

The Washington State Department of Health said state vaccine program providers reported 30% less vaccination this March compared to the previous year. “In April, we’ve seen a preliminary drop of 42%,” the ministry said in a statement.

The American Academy of Pediatrics cautioned against this report.

“Vaccination of infants, children and adolescents is important and should not be delayed,” AAP Dr. Sally Goza said in a statement.

“I’m also worried that the children who missed the vaccine missed other health care that occurred during their visit, including medical examinations, developmental tests, and other important care that must not be delayed. She said.

This group includes pediatricians who help children with vaccinations and other important visits, such as pulling sick children away from healthy children and reaching out to remind families to book. He said he should do everything possible to encourage parents to take him.

“We know that our parents are worried,” Goza added.

“We have made it even safer for pediatricians to set different times and locations for healthy sick children, to practice rigorous hygiene and cleaning, and to carry out some telemedicine visits. I want to reassure the whole family with an innovative way to innovate. “

The AAP published new recommendations on Friday to help pediatricians keep their children safer during a pandemic.

“Pediatricians need to identify children who miss their child’s visits or recommended vaccinations and contact them to schedule an interview involving newborns, babies, children and adolescents,” AAP said. ..

“Pediatricians need to work with their families to bring their children up to date as quickly as possible.”

The group suggested that offices and clinics could plan visits for children at different times of the day from ill visits. Alternatively, the sick patient can be physically separated from the family for regular health checkups.

CDC is for children 14 types of vaccination Protects against 19 different pathogens. Timing is important for many vaccines to produce the strongest immunity.

American Heart Association Expressed concern Americans in general are afraid to visit clinics, including emergency clinics, for fear of being infected with the coronavirus or for being overloaded with the system.

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