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“Do it for those you care about”: A Florida woman urges people to get vaccinated after losing her father and siblings to Covid-19 the same week


Her dad, Mark McCall, 60, died early Friday morning in the Covid Ward in Jacksonville, Florida. Her mother, Sherry McCall, 58, was also being treated for the virus.

The family was already upset after her brother, Brit McCall, 35, died on Monday.

“It’s one of the toughest and most difficult experiences of my life, and I don’t want anyone in my family to do it,” McCall told CNN. “In other words, I wish I wasn’t, but I wouldn’t want anyone.”

She said her mother was enough to go home on Friday night, but it was heartbreaking after losing her eldest son and husband over the age of 38.

The family was afraid to get the vaccine, McCall said. They were in good health and didn’t know how their bodies would react to the shot.

“We weren’t trying to convince anyone to accept it,” she said. “We didn’t care what choices people made, but unfortunately we made the wrong choice.”

The Florida mother has lived in her teenage daughter's ICU room for days and wishes to survive on Covid-19.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said: As of Friday morning, 49.5% of the U.S. population was fully vaccinated, with 57.9% of people over 12 years old. The old ones are vaccinated.
The pace of Covid-19 vaccination in the United States has risen steadily over the past three weeks, especially in some southern states where vaccination rates are low. According to CNN analysis of CDC data..

Last visit with dad

McCall said she tested negative for Covid-19 and received her first vaccination since her parents were hospitalized.

She and her fiancé were able to wear a suit with a double mask and full PPE for their last visit with her dad on Thursday.

McCall said her dad was tired and was taking a lot of medicine, but she fought hard to stay coherent, holding her hands and rubbing her head.

“I couldn’t hug him and kiss him, but I was proud to rub him, I was there, and pushed him to where he did. I let him know that I was there, “she said. “I had to tell him that I loved him and was okay and vaccinated. He knew and said I loved him too.”

She said her brother Brit became ill around July 4th and was taken directly to the ICU when he went to the emergency room for treatment.

She said her brothers seemed okay until he had to go to the ventilator.

“A few days later he wanted to go home, so he was trying to do whatever he could to get home,” she said. “He fought for three weeks to get home, and he suffered from Covid’s complications, and he didn’t do that.”

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McCall said her parents were infected with Covid-19 a week after Brit. They were around other relatives who became ill at about the same time.

She said her mother was hospitalized immediately, but her father’s symptoms were not so severe that she was told to quarantine at home. He got worse and had to be hospitalized nine days later.

“People were envious of how good he was.”

McCall said her dad was her hero and did everything with his power to make sure she didn’t want or need anything-he became an adult Will later fill her car with gas.
“Oh my god, we’re so tight,” she said. “We literally had one of the best relationships a father and daughter could have.”

Mark was the foreman of the flour mill at Duval County Public School and worked with Brit. Sherry is a media specialist in the area.

Brit McCall died on July 26, after signing with Covid-19 around July 4.

“Daddy can do anything. He could repair your car-he didn’t know anything about it, but he could repair it-and he he’s ever seen He was the best craftsman of all, “she said. “I don’t know if anyone can fill the shoes that my dad left behind. He was loved by so many people, but he is still.”
McCall, her and her brother, Kason McCall, 31, grew up in the shadow of Brit. He was a great athlete with “the most beautiful blue eyes” and “the kindest and most giver I’ve met in my life.”

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She said Brit was their leader and he always knew what to say “especially in this situation”.
“Cason and I find it difficult to manage because Brit is good at everything and this is what he is good at,” she said. “I love Kason. I feel him because he has to be a leader and protect us. It’s only me, him, and my mom.”

McCall said she has so many regrets and wishes that she can go back in time and make another decision.

She said her father “should have been there for so many things,” including the wedding in May next year.

“I wanted him to take me to the aisle, but he wasn’t there,” she said. “And that’s because we were scared. We were scared of getting the vaccine and scared of everything.”

She wants people who think she can’t happen to know that she thinks so until her family gets sick.

“Everyone who is afraid to get vaccinated, do it!” She said. “I don’t want to see them suffering as we are suffering now, so do it for the people you care about.”





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