Liberia support themselves for a new look after the coronavirus
Covid-19 is moving rapidly in Liberia, where the government has imposed restrictions to prevent further spread of the virus.
The emergency closed the school and restricted movement.
Similar to Ebola 2014, there is no medicinal way to fight Covid-19, and the government should use similar means to those imposed to combat the Ebola outbreak in the country four years ago. Was selected.
However, social distances are largely neglected, despite the fact that health professionals emphasize their effectiveness in stopping the spread of coronaviruses.
Liberia’s health minister, Wilhelminajara, warns that serious public consequences can result if the public does not listen to medical advice.
Rules must be enforced
She states that rules about social distance need to be vigorously enforced to ensure that the transmission chain is reduced.
Jara’s tough vision is shared by six mother Beatrice Cory.
A 42-year-old living in the slum community of West Point, she supports her family by selling charcoal.
She says a completely different way of life will work when Covid-19 passes.
“People are now obsessed with regularly washing their hands and putting on face masks,” she said.
“It tells you that even after Covid-19, we are forced to continue wearing masks for longer periods.”
Collie said fear of infection could diminish sympathy for people who have the disease.
“Before Covid-19, we identified it by interacting with sick relatives, but because of changing circumstances, we are no longer able to touch sick relatives.”
John Gay Frosy, 32, said the bustle of street life will change.
Changes in street life
“Most of the crowded markets have been demolished and redesigned to ensure de-congestion,” he said. “We will have to adapt ourselves to change.”
The Interior Minister, Varney Sirleaf, is responsible for coordinating these changes for the large domestic market.
However, if the lessons learned from the outbreak of Ebola will be implemented, his role and that of his colleagues will be much easier.
As the epidemic claimed thousands of lives across West Africa, Liberia officials found that explaining the reality of the disease to the community would lead to the swift acceptance of necessary health measures.
“There was also a clear chain of command and organizational structure,” said Tolbert Nyenswah, who led Liberia’s national response to Ebola in 2014-2016 as incident manager.
Talking from the US, he added: “What’s happening: increasing the number of tests in the community, finding sick people, isolating them, tracking their contact and secondary to sickness. Please stop the infection. “
Nienswah said lifestyle changes are expected as people seek to prevent future outbreaks of coronaviruses.
Security education
National schools and universities will be test grounds for their new attitudes
Mary W. Malvanuma, chairman of the Liberia National Association of Teachers, says nurses should be located on campuses of various schools.
They will be the first to treat individuals who may get sick during school hours.
“For example, hand washing is now part of our lives,” she said. “Parents are urged to keep sick children away from school.”
However, Murba-Numa admits that there is a problem due to the limited number of teachers across the country.
“We may not be able to quarantine for 14 days, but school nurses can make a transfer to the hospital and, based on recommendations from the hospital, we can decide what to do,” she says. I added.
She says crowded classes are likely to end the post-Covid-19 era.
Secret society stopped
Traditional leaders are also accommodating. They work with MIC staff to suspend all traditional secret societies or “bush school” activities, including the implementation of FGM, for a year.
Other habits and rituals, including a group of young people, are also driven to stop the spread of Covid-19.
Another effect of that cooperation is more of the government’s thinking about the exact number of “bush schools” in the country.
Until the coronavirus swept the world, that might never have been possible. In Liberia, even traditional leaders are adapting to fit the post-Covid-19 era.
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