Coronavirus US: Experts hope that increased Covid-19 vaccination means the US is awakening to the danger of delta mutants
“People are awake to this,” Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, told CNN on Sunday. “It has to happen desperately to get this Delta variant back in place, because there’s a pretty big party in the middle of the country right now.”
And while vaccination rates have fallen since the first vaccination rush, vaccination rates have risen as the pandemic worsens again.
According to the CDC, more than 816,000 Covid-19 vaccines were given nationwide on Saturday, with more than 700,000 arm injections recorded for five consecutive days. The current average 7-day dose is 662,529 per day, the highest average since July 7.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the increase was due to two possible factors. ..
In Florida, one in five new Covid cases have been reported across the United States, and Dr. Neil Finkler, Chief Clinical Officer of AdventHealth Central Florida, said no one in his patient expected to be infected with the virus. rice field.
“The delta mutants have proven to be highly contagious, so even young and healthy people, including pregnant patients, are now beginning to fill our hospital,” Finkler said. ..
Competition to vaccinate people
Despite the increasing number of cases of Covid-19, Fauci said on Sunday ABC that he believed there was sufficient community protection to prevent the country from having to implement the blockade again.
“I don’t think there are enough people in this country to control the outbreak, but I don’t think we can get into the situation last winter,” he said.
But if unvaccinated, things are likely to get worse, Fauci warned.
“We are looking at some pain and suffering in the future as we see more cases,” he told ABC.
And while it is unvaccinated that bears the brunt of this pain and suffering, Forch pointed out that the choice of unvaccinated affects the situation of the entire community.
“When an unvaccinated person is infected, the dynamics of the outbreak are transmitted. This is ultimately possible in terms of the need to wear a mask, in terms of the safety of school children, and in terms of what can be done. Affects everyone. Open everything as we normally do, “he said.
To address the overall impact, many officials are stepping up their vaccination efforts in under-vaccinated communities.
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine said on Sunday that vaccination rates have “significantly increased” in his state, especially in rural areas.
“I think … fear of the Delta variant is certainly one of the causes,” DeWine told CNN’s Jake Tapper about “State of the Union.”
Dewin said the state is currently focusing on outreach to the Medicaid population, who said it was “insufficiently vaccinated” through incentives such as a $ 100 cash award to get shots. Stated.
According to Dewin, the state’s “Vax-a-Million” lottery program also played a major role in reversing the declining vacation rate.
“Therefore, we believe that at least 100,000 additional people have been vaccinated,” DeWine said. “It was very, very successful. It worked, and as you know, we are glad we did it.”
“We have room for growth,” Dewin said, despite advances in state vaccination.
Hospital overwhelmed by patients
The surge in Covid-19 patients in hospitals could affect other people in need of medical care, doctors said.
In Austin, Texas, “Our ICU capacity is reaching a critical point where risk levels for the entire community, not just those in need of COVID treatment, are significantly increased,” said the Austin-Travis County Health Department. Dr. Desmar Walkes said. Said in a statement.
“If we neglect to get together as a community now, we endanger the lives of loved ones who may need lifesaving first aid.”
In Mississippi, hospitalizations for Covid-19 have increased significantly. This includes young patients. By Friday, all 88 beds in the intensive care unit at the University of Mississippi Medical Center had been filled, according to data from the State Department of Health.
And in Louisiana, “we are becoming unvaccinated victims,” said Dr. Christopher Thomas, a life-saving physician at the Hour Lady of the Ray Regional Medical Center in Baton Rouge.
“We are currently overwhelming bed capacity. We are creating burnouts for our team. And to be honest, we are starting to impact the rest of the health care in the community. increase.”
At the Louisiana Hospital, 97% of Covid-19 patients in the ICU were unvaccinated, Thomas said. As of Friday, the average age of Covid-19 patients in the ICU was 48 years.
“That means we have children (with their parents) who are currently in the hospital,” he said.
CNN’s Holly Yan, Aya Elamroussi, Nadia Kounang, Deidre McPhillips and Gregory Lemos contributed to this report.
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