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Put the mask back anywhere in the indoor bay area — health doctors are trying to quell the delta surge

Put the mask back anywhere in the indoor bay area — health doctors are trying to quell the delta surge



Health officials in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marine, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sonoma counties and the city of Berkeley announced on Monday that indoor masking is needed again in all public spaces and is recommended in private spaces as well. .. Gathering with people outside your home.

The new health order will come into effect at midnight tonight, and we can expect more masks to be worn in bars and restaurants. The estimated period for new orders has not been announced.

The announcement was made at a press conference at noon a few days after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed new data confirming that the delta variant of COVID-19 was widespread in vaccinated people. .. Unvaccinated, the viral load is reported to be 1,000 times higher than the original variant. The CDC does not issue a national mask mandate, but it does. Recommended last week Highly permeable areas, which currently cover most of the Bay Area, are highly permeable to this mutant, even when vaccinated, requiring masks to be re-installed in indoor spaces.

“We are now facing a much more aggressive and contagious enemy,” Sonoma County Health Officer Dr. Sundari Mase said at a news conference. “This is not the same virus we were fighting last year or months ago … and the number of vaccinated people who test positive is increasing.”

Dr. Naveena Bobba, Deputy Director of Public Health in San Francisco, said:But some people have to work indoors … so we encourage people to mask indoors [to protect them].. “

Health officials have largely guaranteed that vaccinated people have mild or moderate cases of COVID-19, even from delta variants, and most recent hospitalizations have not been vaccinated. And emphasized that it is occurring among the elderly. In addition, vaccination can prevent many people from becoming infected.

Still, this is a wise and yet not fully understood disease, and experts like Dr. Eric Fagledin, a senior researcher at the Federation of American Scientists, have long in some cases, even in mild cases. It warns that it may have consequences. -Long-term cognitive effects.

Today’s new mask man date Was expected For over a week, infectious disease experts across the country have stated that masks and vaccination are the best defenses against an ongoing surge in cases. Not to mention the best defense against the rise of yet another, more harmful variant.

Some cities in the Bay Area, such as San Jose and Mountain View, have already reissued their own mask mandates, and Los Angeles resumed mandates two weeks ago. Dr. Susan Philip, a San Francisco health doctor, said July 16 Indoor Masking Recommendations With a broader understanding of the infectivity of delta variants among vaccinated people, along with health officials in several other areas.That understanding came primarily from data from well-documented contact tracing. Outbreak on July 4 in Provincetown, Massachusetts — Where many gay men from the Bay Area were, they brought their infection home.

High vaccination rates are expected to reduce this surge in the Bay Area region within a few weeks, just as a similar Delta surge has declined in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

Dr. Grant Corfax, director of public health at science fiction, said of the variant: “It’s a steroid COVID. In many ways, it’s a different virus than the one we were dealing with earlier this year.”

In San Francisco, many residents have already begun to wear masks while shopping for groceries, and some do not put them away at all. Since June 15th, the city’s bars and restaurants have been bustling with barely masked patrons.As of last week, the SF Bar Owners Alliance Announcement To enter the bars of hundreds of cities, you need a proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test within 48 hours.

The new masking obligations from the county government have eliminated the responsibility of individual businesses to create their own mask policies. This is worse for businesses with less cautious residents than wearing a mask in just six weeks. Rules other than public transport and Uber / Lyft cars.

Brahm Ahmaddy, owner of the West Oakland Community Foods Market, is already angry with customers after the store reopened its mask obligations two weeks ago.Ash Tell the chronicleCustomers have verbally and physically assaulted staff over mask rules, including one customer who threw an entire bag of groceries at the cash register last week.

A coalition of Bay Area health officials said mask mandates were needed to avoid further closure of indoor businesses, especially when ICU beds began to fill up again. Dr. Chris Farnitano of the Contra Costa County Health Department today said that hospitalizations surged during the winter surge due to the need for further restrictions, higher overall immunization rates and more vaccinations. He said he was hoping not to. Occurs.

The CDC continues to emphasize that breakthrough infections are rare even in the Delta. The outbreak in Provincetown represents one scenario in which thousands of strangers are packed into small indoor and outdoor spaces and partying for days. In this scenario, the Delta variant is likely to be overwhelmed. The immune system of vaccinated people.

Throughout California, the COVID-19 test positive rate is now 6.7%, almost 1% higher than it was a week ago. In San Francisco, where 70% of the population is fully vaccinated, the 7-day test positive rate was 5.3% as of July 25, with a 7-day average of up to 198 new cases daily, which is It is about 20 times. 10 lows seen in mid-June before the state’s major reopening.

Millennials seem to be driving most of the new cases, probably because of their active social life. Chronicles report via city dataResidents aged 25-39 account for 50 percent of all new cases, and only 66 percent of urban dwellers aged 25-34 are fully vaccinated, 4 percentage points below the city as a whole.

Before: A mask is needed because the CDC has confirmed that the viral load in Delta vaccinated people can be infectious.




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