Northern Wright faces large vaccine disparities throughout the system as it plans vaccination requirements
Northern Light Health has significant differences in vaccination rates among the 10 hospitals as the health system prepares to become one of the state’s largest employers requiring COVID-19 vaccination.
Northern Wright Said on monday Once one of the three vaccines available is generally licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration, all more than 12,000 employees will need to be vaccinated. The three vaccines are currently under emergency use authorization from the FDA, and general approval of Pfizer-BioNTech Shot is expected within the next few months.
Those who refuse to be vaccinated without tax exemption will not be rescheduled, Chief Human Resources Officer Paul Borin said Tuesday. Employees starting after the FDA has given general approval will not be hired unless inoculated.
As of July 20, about 79% of Northern Lights employees across the state had been vaccinated, Borin said. The rates vary widely among the 10 hospitals in the system, but primarily reflect the county-specific differences in immunization among the general population. Vaccination rates also vary by job title, with doctors and nurses showing higher rates than other job titles, Borin said.
According to data from the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Dover-Foxcroft’s Mayo Hospital and Pittsfield’s Sebastic Cook Valley Hospital have the lowest immunization rates, with approximately 65% of employees at the two hospitals on June 30. At that point, he is completely vaccinated. Approximately three-quarters of Bango’s Eastern Maine Medical Center employees are fully vaccinated, and nearly half of the entire system’s unvaccinated employees work at Bangor Hospital.
Northern Light Mercy Hospital in Portland recorded the highest vaccination rate in the system, with 84% of its employees vaccinated. Northern Light Blue Hill Hospital was just behind the vaccination of 83% of its employees. Nearly 80% of employees at Presque Isle’s AR Gould Hospital, Greenville’s CA Dean Hospital, and Ellsworth’s Main Coast Hospital were vaccinated.
The decision on the Brewer-based hospital system was made in response to the epidemic of the delta variant of the coronavirus after weeks of deliberation. As the number of cases increases in Maine, health system officials said employees need to be prepared to respond and the risk of getting the virus is much lower.
Many unvaccinated employees cite an emergency use authorization for Shot as a reason they have not yet been vaccinated, said Dr. Nabunito Malwaha, Chief Quality Officer at Northern Lights, Tuesday. This is the main reason Northern Wright is waiting for a general license to mandate shots, Marwaha said.
Education is key to motivating unvaccinated employees to be vaccinated, especially in low-vaccination hospitals, according to Mawaha.
She said some female employees were concerned that shots would affect their reproductive health. concern.. Those employees were connected with experts in the system who could talk about the vaccine being safe and effective.
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommendation Pregnant women and lactating mothers are vaccinated, pointing out that the claim to link vaccines to infertility is unfounded.
“Our strategy is to really understand why vaccines hesitate,” said Marwaha, who said the impetus behind not taking shots varies from employee to employee.
Those who receive a rare religious or medical exemption due to vaccination requirements will need to be tested for COVID-19 twice a week until the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the pandemic is over, Bolin said. rice field. These exemptions are granted on a case-by-case basis.
Bolin and Marwaha expected that this policy would not drive many employees out of the system. Still, they admitted that the path to complete vaccination is not always easy.
“Education provides the basis for well-informed decisions and higher levels of vaccination,” Borin said. “But I know there is something to do.”
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