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Some frustrated NJs warned about violent “Plandemic” video


State-issued recommendation for unsubstantiated claims in the viral “Plandemic” conspiracy theory video — removed from some online services due to multiple inaccurate or unfounded statements about COVID-19 — social It has received backlash from some New Jersey residents of the media.

Ah Facebook Post by New Jersey Department of Emergency Management This video has been shared almost 500 times with more than 600 comments by Monday.

“Remember to check the authenticity of the information with a trusted source,” said an NJ OEM post, saying the government is trying to control what they see, and they decide for themselves what I believe they urged commenters to express their concerns and frustrations.

The video clip itself, featuring medical researcher Judy Mikowitz, has been viewed millions of times despite Facebook, YouTube and other social media platforms deleting content due to its inaccuracies. .. Twitter issued a warning about this video but didn’t withdraw it.

“Science fact-checked the video. None of these claims are true.” Science magazine I wrote it in the article on May 8. “Science” is published by the American Society for the Promotion of Science.

In a video remark, Mr. Mikowitz said, “I was put in prison without charges,” regarding a past legal battle. The court documents shown were not true, in which the civil action brought by Mikowitz himself, Report from Pro Republica.. When asked about the contradiction, the film’s creator told ProRepublica that he felt it was clear that Mikowitz meant that the charges had been dropped.

Healing Quest: Thursday, 7:00 pm, New Jersey 101.5 will host a live discussion on NJ’s advances in the treatment and research of coronaviruses, save lives, return NJ to work, and move on to a vaccine! You can even do please listen New Jersey 101.5 FM, NJ 101.5 App Or

The video also introduces many people wearing medical scrubs that appear to be in the medical setting. No one is nominated and no credentials are shared regarding whether they are health care workers or doctors. Pro Republicans reported The filmmaker, Mickey Willis, said he should have identified everyone, “he rushed to release a 26-minute version of Plandemic.”

The same report quotes Willis as saying that the cause of COVID-19 is still unclear, “I don’t know if it is a deliberate or spontaneous situation.”

Mikowitz in the video suggests that wearing a mask “activates” the coronavirus. Facebook told Reuters That’s one of the reasons why I deleted the video. “I’m going to delete the video because it suggests that wearing a mask can lead to illness, which can lead to imminent harm.”

Mikowitz also said in the video, “There are no plans for an active RNA virus vaccine at this time.” According to science, there are vaccines for influenza, measles, mumps, rubella, rabies, yellow fever, and Ebola.

NJ OEM explained in a Facebook post that Mikovits is “an activist against vaccination” and does not trust former central researchers. It said she “makes some unfounded and false claims about the COVID-19 pandemic,” which includes increasing the chances of a flu vaccine getting COVID-19.

OEM in New Jersey in response to commentator Jean Marie Leonard The above “Have you heard of a little thing called freedom of speech? It’s never appropriate for a government agency to keep citizens away from different opinions. If you don’t think this flirts with the idea of ​​censorship, look now. There is a serious problem. ”Her comment was“ praised ”127 times late Monday, and“ loved ”21 more times.

Social platforms such as YouTube and Facebook are not legally required to comply with the legal freedom of speech protection, and only government censorship of speech is prohibited. As a private company, each has its own set of acceptable materials, but both may accidentally delete material.

another Man The NJ OEM’s Facebook page states that the video is called a documentary and must include facts.

“The influenza vaccine increases the chances of getting COVID-19 by 36%,” said Mikowitz in the video. of Political report — One of dozens from major publications uncovering “Plan demic” last week — Mikovits noted that it referred to a study between US Department of Defense officials, vaccinated staff were vaccinated It suggests that they were more likely to be infected with the coronavirus than untreated staff. However, the study did not look for a new coronavirus that causes COVID-19. PolitiFact also notes that scientists are addressing issues with flawed design in their studies.

A video clip of “Plandemic” can be found on the Department of Homeland Security page. “Control of COVID-19 rumors and update of false information.”

“I’ve seen it. I make my own decision. Thank you for your concern, but I think NJ OEM has more important things to worry about now than this bs.” Dona Plzezny Tronolon, who has collected comments and wrote, loves 132 likes.

Some comments support OEM warnings.

“ Even if that “truth” is uncovered, you can make unfounded claims on Facebook and listen to those who tell you that truth is power. Why listen to the house (collectively), “wrote Alex Scavuzzo. “All medical professionals (legitimate) and associated scientists are crazy about how to work with the media to curb their knowledge and unleash a deadly virus on the population … it was all on Bill Gates’ plan ( Weakly, this is ironic). “

His comments included less than half of what he likes and likes of Przewozny Tronolone and Leonard.

New Jersey 101.5 Details:


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