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COVID-19 Nurse dies after treatment of a patient


A family of nurses who died after contracting for COVID-19 said she was not provided with appropriate PPE while caring for patients with coronavirus.

Celia Marcos, 61, died from COVID-19 on April 17th. She has been a nurse at the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center since 2004. Three years ago she moved to the United States with her family. Her son, Donald Jay Marcos, who lives in Dubai, said she had been a nurse for 40 years before her death.

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“[For my mom]When an obligation call comes in, she will do her best to do what she can. That’s why everyone loves her because she is devoted to her field, “Donald said.

Donald said his mother had high blood pressure and had no other underlying health problems. He said he learned about her illness on April 11.

“She said she hadn’t been feeling well since last Tuesday on April 7, so she had a video call at that time to ask her what happened,” Donald said.

Donald complained of headaches, body aches and dyspnea and developed pneumonia in his lungs on April 15.

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“Soon I cryed and told her,” Mom is strong, you can do it, and I will retire as soon as you leave the hospital, “she replied to me ,That’s right. I couldn’t breathe so much and even cried. ”

Donald said he “coded seven times” before his mother died. He said he was caring for a COVID-19 patient before she got the virus and wasn’t given the proper PPE. He said she didn’t receive the N95 mask.

Nurses across SoCal are concerned about the lack of available PPE.

“It’s a big problem. In fact, when we work every day, we’re having problems with PPE because of this outbreak. [Kaiser Permanente on Sunset] There was only one mask and another patient was supposed to use the same mask, “said nurse Tinny Abogado.

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Abogado said some nurses in her department were infected with the virus.

“It’s very scary. There was at least one nurse in our department alone and it became COVID positive,” Abogado said.

The hospice nurse Devika Wijesinghe is also scared.

“We’re really scared. Until the first week of April, no masks were given at all. It feels like we’re always begging to get the equipment and verify its needs. It was absolutely incredibly emotionally difficult for us to deal with, ”Wijesinghe said.

Wigesinge said that Celia Marcos’ asylum would be a devastating blow to his colleagues, even though he did not work with them.

“I think everyone feels [the nurses] We may be the next ceria, and we need to stop this before more casualties occur. This is a matter of life and death. ”

The Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center has issued a statement regarding Celia’s death:

The CHA Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center (HPMC) is united with the frontline staff in the fight against COVID-19. Celia Marcos embodies HPMC’s culture-based approach to patient care and is proud to call her one of us for over 16 years.

With that in mind, it’s a shame that the fact-based media make false claims or inaccurate statements. HPMC is conducting a detailed employee survey and contact tracking, and to date has been positive for the COVID-19 test, which has been exposed to the virus in a situation corresponding to Code Blue in COVID-19 patients. There are no employees. At HPMC. HPMC is proud of our commitment to providing staff with PPE guidelines per CDC. This helped keep hundreds of field workers safe during this pandemic.

In addition, HPMC has adopted an aggressive approach to universally test all patients admitted to the hospital for COVID-19, so these test results can be used as the basis for cohort patients .. I have never encountered a situation where a COVID-19 unit is full due to careful and sophisticated planning. HPMC does not allow patients with suspected COVID-19 to be placed in a non-COVID-19 unit or transferred from a COVID-19 room to a non-COVID-19 unit. COVID-19 test results. “The COVID-19 man stopped breathing,” “Celia was summoned to the COVID-19 quarantine,” asserting his false information and slandering.

The fact remains that COVID-19 is transmitted to the community among asymptomatic people in Los Angeles. This underscores the importance of the mayor’s “safe at home” emergency directive and the need for a cautious and gradual approach to resumption.

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