Novavax manufacturing problems can be resolved, but Covid-19 vaccine group immunity may not be resolved
In the last 24 hours of vaccine makers, modern When Novavax Both released positive but limited information, highlighting the strengths of each vaccine for separate 6 months. Moreover, Novavax has released some less positive news I’m convinced that there were some FDA manufacturing problems that the US government asked the company to solve, and that these are solvable hurdles. Even more interesting is the information released by the two companies on the individual progress of the booster candidates, where the actual Covid-19 discussion needs to begin.
As a forward, the vaccine is still the most effective FDA The licensed defenses we have now SARS-CoV-2 It is a virus that causes Covid-19 infection, but its defenses weaken over time. One measure of vaccine strength is Neutralizing antibody.. Recent studies have confirmed that there are differences in antibody protection between those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered from Covid-19 infection. The number of antibodies in vaccinated patients decreases more rapidly than the number of patients who have recovered from an acute infection.
If so, why not give a booster injection to counter the decline in the vaccinated population?Recent research by Rockefeller University Boosters suggest that they may not strengthen their defenses to the extent necessary to protect them from infection. NS Researchers analyzed patients It was found to recover from acute SARS-CoV-2 infection and provoke a B cell response for up to 1 year after infection. During the year, so-called memory cells not only increased in absolute numbers, but also produced a wide range of powerful antibodies that were effective in combating both the original virus and many variants. When convalescent patients were vaccinated with the mRNA vaccine after their first recovery, they produced even higher levels of plasma neutralizing antibodies.However, in naive (previously uninfected) individuals, vaccination followed by booster immunization also increased the amount of antibody, but the antibody was produced in previously infected patients who subsequently received it. It lacked the effect of things mRNA vaccination..
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Therefore, the vaccine strategy is “Herd immunityHas moved from controversial to unlikely. Part of the problem is that SARS-CoV-2 does not follow the following pattern: Previous influenza pandemic.. It is not a flu that disappears within weeks or months of peaking. It is a constantly changing virus, and we are finding new ways to defeat defenses, as evidenced by the outbreak of so-called breakthrough infections. Simply being vaccinated does not cause infection, spread of the virus, or illness (although the symptoms are mild). Recent data from Israel, England, When Provincetown, Massachusetts, Indicates the limits of vaccine protection. It must be recognized that the Covid-19 vaccine is currently a prophylactic treatment that alleviates and sometimes prevents the most serious consequences of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Are you saying that the vaccine is useless? of course not.Vaccines give them protection by stimulating T cells and B cells This produces neutralizing antibodies that repel the virus. It must be recognized that repelling viruses may take us time, but that does not guarantee long-term success. By suppressing the virus by vaccination, new variants can also evolve, allowing the virus to survive, thrive, and eventually dominate, as the Delta variant did.
Current Delta variant It is much easier to infect both vaccinated and unvaccinated. Not surprisingly, it is the most harmful to unvaccinated people.But there are more characters in Greek alphabet..Researchers are studying in Peru Lambda variant, This is more contagious and, worse, feared to be better at avoiding current vaccines. Lambda has already spread to several other countries, including the United States.
CDC Internal unreleased data We are working on whether our current vaccine strategy can remain viable in its current form and is being considered by the government. Impressive new information in this data suggests that breakthrough infections appear to begin 5 months after vaccination. Complete data needs to be released immediately to notify scientists, politicians, and the general public in order to enable long-term planning. It may be unpleasant, but Covid-19 will be with us somehow for the next few years. To deal with this new reality, we must adjust our attitudes and strategies.
Israel has launched a mass vaccination program December 19, 2020. Eight months later, as the delta variant spread, early success was reversed. Vaccination rates in the United States are even lower than in Israel, with their own delta surge that caused the worst damage without vaccination. Given this evolving reality, how can we stick to our expectations of achieving herd immunity?
Boosters are very important for people with weakened immunity. However, even booster immunization has limited value in immunocompromised populations. All functioning immune systems are limited and cannot function continuously under maximum stimulation. Therefore, the immune response of an immunocompromised person weakens even faster. This makes the individual less resistant to infection and more likely to die. This means that as the immune system is exhausted, the high-risk groups become more vulnerable.
The unavoidable conclusion is that vaccines alone are not an effective Covid-19 strategy. I need a cure. Currently, we have the opportunity to identify and stockpile effective treatments. Despite continued efforts to improve vaccination compliance, efforts are being made to make treatments available to treat the harmful effects of Covid-19, no matter how the virus evolves. Must be doubled. The sooner we recognize and address this need, the faster we can orient our future. Otherwise, we will blame us for the endless cycle of chasing shape-changing pathogens.
Dealing with SARS-CoV-2 also requires a long-term effort to care for those who have long-term effects of the disease (Long Covid). Survival from acute SARS-CoV-2 is not synonymous with cure. Lancet Recently published study Of more than 80,000 Covid-19 patients. Of those who survived, 26.6% were less able to take care of themselves than they were before they became ill. This disorder increased in age, gender, and in people who received critical care support (such as mechanical ventilation). Having complications (acute kidney injury, complex respiratory tract, and systemic complications in the top three) was independently associated with an increased risk of reduced self-care capacity after discharge. Patients with neurological complications, though few, were most strongly associated with worsening functional outcomes.
Our already overloaded and overloaded healthcare systems are required to treat and care for a new population of millions of chronic post-COVID patients. It’s too late to plan for this scenario, but it’s never too late. Follow-up to continue collecting data from these individuals, at least to provide treatment and care and to determine if these ongoing effects are temporary or sadly permanent. We need to increase the number of people and equipment with facilities.
We recognize the need for a multi-layered approach that utilizes both vaccines and therapies to prevent death, mitigate illness and treat the long-term physical and economic consequences of this pandemic. Must be.
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