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Lambda coronavirus mutants: what experts are learning


Lambda variants were first identified in Peru in December. NS World Health Organization Designate Delta as a “variant of concern”. Lambda has been designated as a “mutant of interest” once lower.

“Variants occur daily-if variants can be defined as new mutations,” he said. “The question is, do these mutations give the virus some benefits, and of course it’s a human disadvantage. Lambda’s answer is yes.”

What is known about lambda

There’s still a lot to learn about lambdas.

This variant is less worrisome than the US Delta variant, which has a growing number of cases nationwide, but early studies suggest that it has a more contagious mutation than the original strain of coronavirus. increase.

Unvaccinated people are
“There is a mutation of concern in Lambda, but despite being present for months, it remains very rare in the United States,” says Dr. Pretty Marani. Chief Health Officer, Infectious Diseases Division, University of Michigan I wrote in an email on Friday at Ann Arbor.

“It’s difficult to know for sure the infectivity of lambdas and the effectiveness of the vaccine. So far, lambdas appear to be more contagious than the original SARS-CoV-2 virus,” said Delta and other variants. Similar to Expert of the American Infectious Diseases Association. SARS-CoV-2 is the name of the coronavirus that causes Covid-19.

“Thankfully, studies suggest that currently available vaccines are still defensive. We learned that the situation can change rapidly during a pandemic. Therefore, COVID-19 Controlling the spread helps manage lambdas, “Marani wrote. “Unless the spread of SARS-CoV-2 is controlled, more variants will be seen in the future. The only solution is to control the spread and further mutations of SARS-CoV-2. Extensive vaccination to prevent the development of a sufficient number of vaccinated worlds and new variants that are less responsive to countermeasures. “

British scientists believe it is

So far, data on how well the vaccine protects against lambda variants remains divided, and scientists say more research is needed.

In July Researchers wrote in laboratory research They may benefit people who received a single dose of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine from booster administration to better protect them from new variants of the coronavirus, including lambda variants. I found some evidence. This study was done in the lab and does not reflect the actual effect of the vaccine. It was published online as a preprint on the server and was not subject to careful peer review.

Nathaniel Landau and colleagues at New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine said a test of blood taken from vaccinated volunteers could circumvent the protection of a single dose of Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine. Researchers have reported that a second dose of the J & J vaccine, or a booster dose of Moderna or Pfizer, may help.

In this study, variants Beta, Delta, Delta plus, and Lambda showed only “moderate” resistance to antibodies induced by the Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna corona virus vaccines, indicating that the vaccine is still functioning. Suggests.

Studies have found that vaccination alone is not enough to stop the spread of mutants
NS Another preprint paperPosted last week on the online server, in lab experiments, three mutations found in lambda mutant peplomers (called RSYLTPGD246-253N, 260 L452Q, F490S) were found to be resistant to vaccine-induced immunity. It turns out that it could give, but more research is needed. Written by a Japanese scientist, this treatise has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal.
“Two additional mutations, T76I and L452Q, help make lambdas highly infectious. Currently, lambda variants are flagged by WHO as” variants of interest. ” It is not yet known if this variant is more concerned than the delta variant. “Pharmacist and epidemiologist Dr. Ravina KullarAn expert in the Infectious Diseases Society of America, wrote by email on Friday.

“We need extensive genomic surveillance studies to assess how vaccine efficacy is affected by lambda mutants,” Kullar wrote. Until the overall reduction in Covid-19 cases, “the best way to prevent the emergence of more variants is to be fully vaccinated, not travel abroad, and wear a face mask, others. Follow strict infection control measures, such as physically moving away from and not participating in large-scale societies. Rally. “

“Russian roulette” game

Vaccines are essential to combat new coronavirus variants such as lambda. Lambda, which may remain rare in the United States, is associated with the “substantial rate of community transmission in multiple countries” in the region. According to WHO..

Overall, Poland, a professor at the Mayo Clinic, will see additional variants in the future, including those that may evade the vaccine altogether as more people do not vaccinate without wearing a mask. I warned that there is a high possibility of doing so. The coronavirus keeps jumping from person to person, so with each new infection, it changes a bit like any other virus. These changes and mutations can be benign or susceptible to infection and dangerous.

Poland called it “Russian roulette” and allowed the virus to spread freely without any mitigation measures such as wearing a mask or vaccination.

“We will continue to develop more and more mutants, and eventually one or more of these mutants will learn how to circumvent vaccine-induced immunity,” Poland said. “If that’s true, start over.”





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