More than twice as many unvaccinated Covid-19 reinfections as vaccinated
Sorry, Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky). Two studies, one published in June and one last Friday, should allow people to get the Covid-19 vaccine, even if they already had Covid-19 before. Provides more evidence that it is. In addition, a study conducted by people at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides direct evidence from their home state of Kentucky.
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May, Paul Courier Journal Granted, “Science proves that people with innate immunity need to skip the COVID vaccine.. The headline of the work was a free gift of what Paul claimed in the commentary. People who have recovered from Covid-19 do not need to be vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine. The word “science proves” is a very powerful statement. For example, don’t say “science proves you are a Dutch bag.” Until there is plenty of evidence of that person’s Dutch vagary. In general, you need to be pretty confident about something before using the phrase “science proves.” By the way, in the editorial, Paul also wrote, “We should be excited and throw away the mask.” But we’ll talk more about that later.
Ironically, a month after Paul’s editorial headline says “science proves” Studies published in the journal Chemistry In June I did the opposite. It provided evidence that contradicted Paul’s headlines and conclusions. So Chemistry, Or more specifically Chemistry, Did not agree with what Paul said about science.
In this study, a team of researchers from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the University of Washington (Seattle, Washington), and the University of Montreal and McGill University (Montreal, Canada) used two blood types. A set of people. They had 15 confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) before and after vaccination with Covid-19 mRNA vaccine, and were completely vaccinated without previously vaccination with Covid-19. Blood was collected from 13 people. ..
In people who had Covid-19 but were not completely vaccinated, the level of antibody against SARS-CoV-2 was “variable and weak” in the researchers’ words. Whether you describe your date, your underwear, or your immune protection, “variable and weak” is not very comfortable. This is not so surprising as SARS-CoV-2 can look like a box of chocolates, but these chocolates are really terrible and should not be eaten. As for SARS-CoV-2, I don’t know exactly what I can get. Infections can range from asymptomatic to mild to more severe, very severe, and really very severe. And these different symptoms may not elicit the same immune response.
In contrast, those infected with Covid-19 and subsequently vaccinated had higher levels of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (up to 1000-fold). In fact, their sera neutralized beta variants of the Covid-19 coronavirus more than the sera of people who had Covid-19 and were subsequently unvaccinated. All of this suggested that vaccination could further enhance immune defense against Covid-19 among those who already had Covid-19.
and now A study just published at the CDC Weekly morbidity and mortality reports (MMWR) We found that among those already infected with Covid-19, those who were not vaccinated were 2.34 times more likely to be re-vaccinated than those who were completely vaccinated. The study included residents of Paul’s hometown of Kentucky. For people over the age of 18 who were positive for the SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) or antigen test from March to December 2020, based on the Kentucky National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS). It was made. .. In this study, a team of researchers from the CDC, the University of Kentucky School of Public Health, and the University of Kentucky analyzed data from the REDCap database containing information about these Covid-19 cases imported from the NEDSS.
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The team identified people who tested positive for NAAT or antigens between May 1st and June 30th, 2021. A total of 246 people met this criterion. Next, 492 individuals who were previously infected in 2020 but had no evidence of a second infection in the same two months of 2021 were selected as controls. Data from the Kentucky Immunization Registry (KYIR) helped identify those who were tentatively fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Complete vaccination means one dose of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine or two doses of the mRNA vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna) at least 14 days before reinfection with the Covid-19 coronavirus. Means.
It was found that 20.3% of the reinfected people were completely vaccinated, compared to 34.3% of the non-reinfected control group. In this way, researchers were able to determine 2.34 times the number.
Of course, these two studies, unlike avocado toast, are not perfect.Previous studies published in Chemistry Only about a few dozen people are included, not many.The latter study published in MMWR It relied on data already in the NEDSS and KYIR databases. The database did not contain detailed information about the case, such as the infected variant, the type of risk taken to be exposed to the virus, and the people who were tested but not tested. COVID 19 symptoms. Therefore, do both of these studies with a grain of salt.These are certainly not enough to say “science” Prove Even people with innate immunity need to be vaccinated with the Covid vaccine. In general, it is not a good idea to use the word “science proves”. Instead, real scientists tend to say things like “scientific evidence supports such things” or “scientific evidence suggests this or that.”
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Nonetheless, results from both of these studies support vaccination with Covid-19, even if you already have Covid-19. Relying on innate immunity, which can be “variable and weak,” is not a good idea. Moreover, even with the development of rational immune defenses after recovery from Covid-19, it is not clear how long such innate immunity will last. Studies show that this protection can probably last for more than 90 days. But to get a better feeling, more research is needed.
Vaccine doses are more consistent and directed compared to natural exposure to the virus. Vaccines essentially deliver to your immune system with a focus on peplomeries. Therefore, vaccine protection can last longer than innate immunity, in addition to being stronger and less volatile.
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Paul’s editorial may have been a premature affirmation or a premature claim. And anything premature can cause confusion. In the case of Covid-19, instructing people to skip the vaccine can lead to more suffering and death.
In fact, Paul may have been premature to provide not only “skip the Covid vaccine” advice, but also “discard the mask” advice. Back in January, I have already warned in the article Forbes Why would it be a bad idea to throw away their face masks. The recent surge in Covid-19 cases and the prevalence of delta mutations suggest that other Covid-19 preventative measures are still needed.
So Senator Paul, Team Kentucky Dashboard Map Most of the states are shown in red, which represents the counties reporting high activity in Covid-19. Therefore, in this case, the red states are scientific designations, not political designations. Still, do you think it’s a good idea to tell people to skip the Covid vaccine and throw away their face masks?
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