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7 Ways to Find Dementia in Older Cats and Dogs


Just as dementia is common in humans, it is also found in pets. Over 50% of cats over the age of 15 and nearly 70% of dogs are affected, and signs begin after the age of 10. Veterinarians tend to use the term “cognitive dysfunction syndrome” to describe what’s happening, but the bottom line is that the brain isn’t functioning as it used to.

It’s easy to attribute dementia to simple exhaustion. Just as joints, skin, teeth and hair suffer from changes in aging, so does the brain. However, some specific changes in brain structure have been identified, which are not necessarily directly related to aging.

In many cases, the accumulation of b (beta) amyloid increases. It is a neurotoxic protein that accumulates in plaques in the frontal cortex and other important parts of the brain. There are many other factors, but it has been demonstrated in dogs that learning test errors are strongly associated with this increase in amyloid deposits, as seen in people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Elevated levels of a substance called tau protein have also been observed in pets with dementia. This is another feature found in humans with Alzheimer’s disease.

Vascular changes have also been shown to occur in the brains of demented pets, such as small bleeds and ministrokes caused by blood clots. Finally, the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain are changing.

Further research continues: The aged brain is complex and we still have a lot to learn.

So how do you know if your pet has dementia? You can’t quiz them about what they were doing early in the day, and you can’t ask them if they remember who you are. Instead, you need to carefully observe their behavior.

There are seven important areas known to show changes when older pets suffer from cognitive decline.

1. Spatial disorientation and confusion are often the first signs. Pets start roaming around, sometimes staring into the distance without staring at anything. Sometimes I go to unusual places I’ve never been to, such as the corners of a room.

2. Amnesia and learning behavior means that the pet begins to go to the bathroom in the wrong place and loses knowledge of where urination and defecation are.

3. Changes in activity can occur, such as increased random or repetitive activity, or sometimes decreased activity, and pets sleep longer or just lie down. Owners often find it more difficult for their pets to wake up. Some people think their pets have died, but it’s only after a big nudge that they actually stir.

4. Changes in social relationships are often seen, pets are farther away, and they are less responsive to previously nearby people. From time to time, they can be featureless, restless, frustrating, or even aggressive. These changes are areas where you can easily see similarities with people with dementia.

This is the most painful thing for the owner. It’s as if pets don’t know them anymore and don’t have the same personality.

5. Changes in the sleep-wake cycle are common, with pets waking up in the middle of the night and becoming active (and noisy) as if it were breakfast time. This can be very painful for the owner. Sleep deprivation is a challenge for us humans. It can be difficult to love and care for the older pets that wake us up every night.

6. Other common changes in behavior include excessive vocalization (dog barking and howling, cat yelling) and reduced self-grooming (especially cats).

7. Decreased response to people involved with pets can reduce interest in previously enjoyable activities such as eating, playing, and walking.

It is important to remember that there are other possible causes for these types of behavioral changes. For example, cats with high blood pressure (a common problem) often begin to vocalize more, which can be effectively treated with daily tablets.

Painful tooth ailments and arthritis can prevent cats from grooming, and dog urinary incontinence is often a common problem that can be treated very well.

Therefore, the first step in dealing with a suspected case of dementia in a pet is to visit a veterinarian so that other illnesses can be ruled out. This includes detailed physical examinations, blood tests, urinalysis, and possibly additional diagnoses such as x-rays and ultrasound. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the vet will talk about treatment.

I would like to report that there is a breakthrough and dramatically successful treatment for dementia in pets, but unfortunately it is not. There is no specific treatment to improve or cure dementia. The best you can do is to use supportive care to keep your pet comfortable and perhaps slow the progression of the problem. A diet that contains extra antioxidants, vitamins, and essential fatty acids may help, and some prescription-only medications improve blood flow to the brain and change the balance of neurotransmitters. there is. As with older humans, it helps to get the brain more involved by focusing on regular exercise, the introduction of new toys and games, and more social interactions.

Eventually, pets with advanced dementia lose all the joy of life, which is an area where veterinarians have an advantage over doctors. We can perform painless euthanasia to end their pain, confusion and distress.





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