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Dodge games is aimed at showing children the importance of social distance


The game was developed for children during the coronavirus pandemic aimed at showing the importance of social distance.

Can you save the world? It has already been played 10,000 times since its release as a free online game on computers, and its creators are considering the possibility of making it available on mobile devices.

The game imposes tasks on the player by fending off the people they encounter as they walk down the street, while collecting face masks, food, and even toilet paper to help them along the way.

Richard Weisman, a professor of public understanding of psychology at Hertfordshire University, got out and felt like he was “always avoiding others” and experiencing “live computer games.” Later I came up with this idea.

He worked with game developer Martin Jacob to bring the adventure to the screens of desktops and laptops within two weeks.

“I just walked around and thought, ‘Keep yourself in a computer game and give it a try. Hopefully that’s education for kids,'” Professor Weisman told PA.

“Many parents say this is a fun way to get their message across to their children. It’s less scary and fun, but I understand what to do when you go out into the real world.”

The highest score a player can reach is 7 billion, but so far only one has reached one billion.

In the world of psychology, Professor Weisman said the game corresponds to a professional social game that encourages positive social behavior.

Can you save the world? game
Players must dodge others while collecting items such as face masks (Richard Wiseman / PA)

“What I’m trying to do is casual, fun-filling messages. There’s an amazing amount of research investigating the effects of so-called social gaming,” he told PA.

“They all produce positive results and solve events when people are doing something in the game and when you are helping someone-do you derive them from the burning building? , Collecting garbage around the world.

“I then ask people who are engaged in civil duties, such as donations to volunteers or charities, and see real changes in their behavior. There is something like psychology: the world in this case and the behavior in a certain way and its games are good evidence to influence you in the real world. ”

Can you save the world now? Go to and play only on desktops and laptops using Chrome or Safari web browsers.

The pair is currently looking at ways to make the game available on mobile devices.

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