Preparing for practice for an efficient flu season
However, following the deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine, much of what was done was extended to the influenza vaccination program, which could help a larger proportion of the population.
Family medicine practitioner Benjamin Kaplan, MD, founder and chief medical officer of Boston’s CED Clinic, said this year is probably more accessible, faster ingestion, faster delivery, and more efficient than in previous seasons. He states that he has come to expect a visit lap. -UPS.
“Patients have experienced the efficiency of successful large-scale vaccinations,” he says. “Medical practices that are lagging behind in making the system accessible and simple for patients are no longer well tolerated. Also, the culture of the world is much more comfortable to wear masks in public. Yes, people understand the great benefits. I think that improving the comfort of this mask is likely to reduce the prevalence of airborne infections, including influenza. “
Last year, influenza prevalence plummeted due to the presence of COVID-19 prophylaxis and associated protection. Kaplan believes that it could prevent people from seeking flu shots this year.
“Many people have become accustomed to the benefits of living in isolation, including reducing the chances of getting infected,” says Kaplan. “I think I’m not interested in getting vaccinated because I feel less in contact with other people. Overall, people have the impression that they are safer from common infections. But as the culture returns closer, this impression becomes a false sense of security. “
Therefore, medical practice should continue to emphasize the benefits of vaccination, especially for people in the high-risk category.
For example, patients with comorbidities such as aging, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, respiratory illness, or patients whose serious illness may pose a life-threatening risk need to know the severity of influenza. I have.
“They need to understand the very real risks of morbidity and mortality,” says Caplan. “On the other hand, after the COVID-19 trial, people also needed accurate information about the risk of (side effects), the potential long-term effects of vaccination, and all the similar facts that became part of public dialogue. Perhaps even to understand who makes the vaccine and how it works. “
Saint Anthony Amofah, MD, Chief Medical Officer of Community Health in South Florida and Health Choice Network in Miami, has done several things to achieve an efficient influenza vaccination program at the private or community healthcare level. It states that it must be done.
“First, we need to make sure that all the staff in the flu vaccine clinic are vaccinated and invested in the positive benefits of flu vaccination,” he says. “People promoting the flu vaccine should really believe it in order to effectively generate enthusiasm to utilize others who may have less investment. This maximizes the impact and actually makes a difference. Is one way to produce. “
Second, he states that a truly efficient and successful influenza vaccination program will use multiple routes to reach those who will benefit from vaccination.
“People get information in different ways and through different platforms and media,” says Amofa. “E-blasting is great for delivering messages to patients. It’s important to reach out to the media and promote the program through press releases. Massive text messages are another way to reach patients. Vaccines. Mailing detailing the availability and importance of the information will help reach older people (patients) who are less likely to deal with information from technology platforms. “
William Lang, MD, a family doctor for over 30 years and Chief Medical Director of World Clinic, states that all practices should make influenza vaccination part of routine care. “People who haven’t visited an acute illness should be vaccinated with the flu vaccine as part of the discharge process from the clinic once this season’s flu vaccine is available,” he says.
With the question, “Have you ever taken the flu vaccine?”, Lang said the flu vaccination status needs to be part of the vital signs checklist. As essential to the ingestion process as measuring blood pressure.
“The important thing is to create the feeling that the flu vaccine is just what you need,” he says. “Tell your staff a simple answer to your flu vaccine concerns. We’ll leave the big problem to the provider, but most commonly, such as when someone says they’re worried about getting the flu from a flu shot. Approved FAQ to address common concerns. “
Profit key
An efficient and easy-to-use vaccination program can essentially gain traction and publicity. Caplan logically expects increased profitability if efficient programs can be linked to other services from the revenue sources of medical products and services, or affiliates such as advertising sales and data collection. It states that.
Achieving the profitability of the flu vaccination program results in the fact that many patients are insured for the flu vaccine, Amofa said.
“Community health centers like us give insured patients who can pay the flu vaccine to minimize the spread of influenza and to reach uninsured patients, which is important. I really depend on it, “he says. “To make a program that really has a positive impact on overall public health profitable, we need to streamline the program to reach uninsured people. To get your margins, You want to make a big effort for the turnout of the masses. “
Lang agrees that influenza vaccines are usually not the center of interest. Therefore, many providers choose to leave this to the pharmacy. However, to make these visits beneficial, he proposes to see influenza vaccination as a mechanism to reconnect with patients and identify other (possibly more rewarding) services needed. increase.
Trading tips
One way to increase the number of people vaccinated against the flu is to make the flu shot as easy as possible. Amofah recommends setting up a walk-in facility to allow patients to enter and exit in 15 minutes.
“There is nothing more confusing for healthcare professionals than getting the patient to have the flu symptoms, and we need to wonder if this is COVID-19 or the flu, so we emphasize the importance of being vaccinated against the flu. What you do is very important to your practice, “says Amofa. “Getting a flu shot really helps medical professionals and patients avoid times when they are confused about the cause of their illness.”
Primary care practices should also consider making influenza vaccine expectations a central theme in communicating with patients in late summer / early autumn. “Many patients go to pharmacies for flu shots because pharmacies strategically prioritize simplicity for patients,” says Lang. “Going to a typical primary care clinic is not easy. Differentiate yourself from pharmacies. Influenza vaccine visits are an opportunity to identify other preventive issues that can be identified without the involvement of the first healthcare provider. Can be given. “
By the time the United States enters the flu season, most of the COVID-19 vaccines will be delayed, allowing public health and other medical institutions to effectively sell the flu vaccine. “Educating patients about the risk of influenza is the key to a successful influenza vaccine program,” says Lang. “Vaccines and respiratory protection make a difference.”
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