Studies show that girls are affected by mental health after only 2 hours of screen time
A new global study found that excessive screening time and lack of physical activity impaired adolescents’ mental health.
Key Point:
- Studies show that after two hours of screen time, girls began to affect their mental health.
- It took twice as long for the effect to be noticeable in boys
- UQ researcher Asad Khan states that balancing screen and physical activity is the best solution.
A study of more than 577,000 children aged 11 to 15 from 42 high-income countries Posted in Lancet..
The negative effects on mental health begin after 2 hours for girls and 4 hours for boys.
Screen use includes television, video games, and social media, but excludes academic screen time.
Assad Khan, lead author of the University of Queensland’s School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, said he measured participants’ life satisfaction and psychosomatic health.
“What we found was that mental health was a big issue,” said Dr. Cahn.
“We also provide evidence from the scientific literature that abuse of screen time for recreation causes some problems with other psychosocial problems such as academic performance, attention, and attention deficit disorder syndrome. I started watching.
“We also found that it was associated with depression and anxiety in this particular pediatric population.”
Green time to balance screen time
Dr. Cahn also said that the study also found that physical activity had a positive effect on mental health.
He said that one hour of physical activity and less than two hours of screen time per day provide “optimal mental health.”
“We need to readjust children’s behavior towards a healthier lifestyle, which means where possible. [we should] Replace screen time with some outdoor activities.
“Targeting both actions at the same time can bring us the best benefits.
“We are urging parents to actually minimize screen time and maximize physical activity so that their children can have a better life.”
He said the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent blockade complicated the situation.
“Data were collected long before the COVID-19 pandemic, where a dramatic decrease in physical activity and an increase in screening time were observed worldwide,” he said.
“This is an awakening to investigate this, as a parent, as a community, or as a society, to help children do more physical activity, do more movement, and reduce sitting on the screen. I think it’s a call.
“If you want to see a healthier lifestyle for your children in the future, you need to invest in this.”
Why do girls and boys get different results?
The study found that after four hours of screen time for boys, and within half that time for girls, there was a negative impact on mental health.
Dr. Cahn said boys are generally more active in their screen time.
“Boys are increasing the active screen time for computers and electronic games, but girls aren’t,” he said.
“Girls” [active] It may be the reason why passive screen time, which is television and social media, is a major component of girls’ screen time, as it contributes so much less than boys.
He said the findings support Australia’s recommendation to limit the use of electronic screens to a maximum of two hours a day and encourage both boys and girls to do at least one hour of physical activity a day.
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