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COVID-19 Patient Scans Reveal What a Coronavirus Can Do in Your Gut


Body scan COVID-19 patients Coronavirus Can be in the intestine.

For research, this is believed to mark the first abdominal image COVID-19 patients were published in scientific journals. Researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School examined 412 scans of care. Center Between March 27th and April 10th. Patients were sent for scanning for a variety of reasons, including abdominal pain and unusual liver test results.

The team hoped to evaluate the scans to reveal how the virus affects parts of the body other than the lungs.

covid-19, intestine
CT of the abdomen and pelvis of a 47-year-old man with abdominal tenderness. Scans show signs of inadequate blood supply, gas cysts in the intestinal wall, and thickened loops of the small intestine in the pelvis.
North American Radiological Society

Of the total number of participants, 241 were male and 171 were female. 34% of participants had at least one gastrointestinal symptom and 136 needed intensive care. Patients averaged 57 years and ranged from 18 to 90 years. The medical personnel who were carried out Radiography 137 patients, 44 in ultrasound, 42 in CT scan, 1 in MRI.

Survey results published in journals Radiology Bile flow problems were common in patient scans, showing signs of intestinal abnormalities. About 31 percent of CT scans showed that the patient had a problem with the intestinal wall.

The patient was also found to have a thickened intestinal wall, gas cysts in the intestinal wall and veins, and a condition that drains blood from the gastrointestinal tract and spleen into the liver. One patient had a perforated bowel. Twenty percent of ICU patients had signs of inadequate blood supply to the intestine.

Covid19 intestine
CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis of a 57-year-old man suspected of having a deficient intestinal blood supply. The scan shows that his small intestine is dilated and partially thickened.
North American Radiological Society

Dr. co-author of the study Rajesh BayanaAbdominal Imaging Fellow, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, commented in a statement: “We found an intestinal abnormality in the patient’s image COVID-19, more common in sick patients who went to the ICU.

“Some findings were typical of intestinal ischemia or dying intestines, and those who had surgery had small blood vessel thrombi next to the area of ​​the dead intestines.

Bayana Description: “ICU patients can have intestinal ischemia for other reasons, but we know COVID-19 can lead to coagulation and damage to small blood vessels, so [the] The intestines can also be affected by this. “

More research needed to find out why COVID-19 patients encountered intestinal problems, especially the role of thrombi in cell death in this part of the body, and the authors write to clarify whether the virus itself is responsible.

Team considered why COVID-19 patients may have bowel problems and the enzymes in our body Coronavirus Uses to infect us are expressed in cells of the intestines, arteries, veins, gastrointestinal tract and lungs. They also said that past research Coronavirus The cells lining the blood vessels can be inflamed.

The most notable limitation of this study was that results were included because it included patients from one medical center. Generalizable To a wider population, they said.

This survey Coronavirus, 4.1 million people are infected According to Johns Hopkins University, May affect the digestive system. Research published in journals Science For example last week, Coronavirus It can infect and replicate in human intestinal cells.

It is known that 286,669 people have died and 1.4 million have recovered since the pandemic started late last year. As a graph Statista As shown below, the United States has some of the best known cases in the world.

COVID-19 U.S. Statista Chart
COVID-19 Country with the most cases.

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