I hate family walks
quarantine I really got to know my family. My son has learned to be capable Build lego by myself. My daughter learned something better Artist More than she expected. My husband is a very capable car mechanic. The dog isn’t worth it yet, but it’s so cute.
Spending a lot of time really emphasizes what people are Absent Is good at You might have suspected it had some drawbacks before, but it’s pretty difficult because we’re together 24 hours a day.
I learned that it was absolutely horrible for children to go for a walk. Combining a sloth and a stray cat with a blind cow and taking a walk through the trailless hills reveals the experience of walking with my children. It’s hard to exaggerate the frustration of an experience.
It’s probably my fault that they’re so bad at this. My kids are so close in age that I’ve been putting them in strollers for a really long time to help manage them. Given that walking is the only safe activity (I hate biking, but I already know), we must always do it. Really unavoidable.
Do you think I am hyperbolic and exaggerating the facts? Yes. I will explain in detail about my recent walk.
I tried to make a noise like going out for a walk around 11am. They didn’t really like it, so they were looking for other activities first. This pushed the start time of the walk back a few hours. And coincidentally made it in the hottest part of the day. This is a fairly consistent parent move for me. Doing something with them is a horrible idea that causes misery and stress, but do it anyway. If anyone wants life coaching, I’m here.
We set out on a journey ten minutes after they had to scream for their shoes and try to find a dog leash.
My son absolutely urges to wear flip-flops during his walk. As anyone with common sense knows, walking is a dreadful choice. But wearing real shoes made him very frustrating and we made him wear them. He also likes to walk on curbs like a balance beam. If you are wearing shoes and you really have some kind of balance, this is fine. He does not meet either criterion.
We are literally in front of our neighbor’s house when our neighbor picks up a curb and falls. His sandals fly away and he begins to cry. He puts them back and I convince him to keep walking. He does this, crying that his shoes are “painful”. When I go to another house, it seems that I am mistaken for sandals. How is this possible? You need to put two toes in the section where the big toe should go. I fix it with a confused look on my face, and we continue.
We have a miniature dachshund and it turns out that our new neighbor has two by chance from the same breeder. They are so similar and cute to watch together that we drop in on a dog walk. My daughter was looking forward to this. Of course, the dog wasn’t there. She began to cry, sat on the ground, said she wanted to go home, and took it a step further. We were four homes away from home to keep track of progress. It was so hot that both of my children were already crying. I’m intuitive and meticulous, so I told you to put it all together and continue.
They walk very slowly. I feel that the snail has passed once. Children are smaller, so they obviously walk slower than adults. But I saw other children walking. I guarantee that what I am dealing with is not normal. They move in small little steps like a beautiful Pasofino horse, except that they have no speed or elegance at all. This is combined with the inability to see things and keep walking. I can’t understand it. Every time they gently see something interesting, they stop. If they stop and then start walking again, this is fine. They don’t. They stand there like a frozen computer that needs to be restarted.
My son travels two more times and loses his shoes four times. Both are really upset by “terrifying bugs”. Wait for 5 minutes at the sewer drain to see the crocodile. When I told them they had to go to us again, they spent all day I was talking about petting the crocodile and now behaved like I was breaking my promise. Finally I arrived at a place where I could feed the ducks. This is the only part of the walk they look forward to. There were no ducks to keep the brand on this cursed walk.
Turn around to go home. Jimmy just lost his shoes again. Sadie asked me why I forced her to take a walk. We lost most of the dog and everyone kept stepping on her. After seeming like a horrifying cross-country road trip, we went home. We were 3/4 miles ahead. Have a good time with your family!
It’s very unpleasant, but it’s healthy for them and they obviously need some practice, so I’ll continue with it.
Excuse me, but I’m going for a walk. by myself. I want to caress me when I hear that there are really cool alligators in the sewer.
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