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5 Anxiety Disorders and How to Know If You Have It


  • There are five major anxiety disorders. It is phobia, panic disorder, agoraphobia, social anxiety, generalized anxiety.
  • These types of anxiety disorders have similar overwhelming symptoms of fear and anxiety, and these symptoms have a significant negative impact on daily life.
  • It is possible to treat each anxiety disorder with a combination of treatment and medication. It is important to consult with your doctor to determine the best treatment for you.
  • This article Medically reviewed Along David A. Merrill, MD, PhD, Psychiatrist, Director of Pacific Brain Health Center at Pacific Neuroscience Institute at Providence St. John’s Health Center.
  • Visit Insider’s Health Reference Library for more information.

Most people experience anxiety and anxiety at some point in their lives. But about 40 million Americans have anxiety disorders.

Anxiety disorders are diagnosed as anxiety imbalances and interfere with daily functioning for a long time.

Here’s what you need to know about types of anxiety disorders, common symptoms, and the most common treatments.

Types of anxiety disorders

There are 5 mains Anxiety disorder, According to the National Institute of Mental Health.

  • Simple or specific phobia. If you are very afraid of height, blood, needles, spiders, or other particular objects or scenarios, then you have a particular phobia. We often fear old elevators, but only certain phobias Get in the way When fear becomes difficult to work, adapts to normal routine, impairs self-esteem, and harms relationships.
  • panic disorder It is characterized by predictive fear of recurrent panic attacks. PAnal attack Usually, you have an accelerated heart rate, a feeling of imminent destiny, tremors, tremors, and shortness of breath. In order for a panic attack to become a panic disorder, one has to be afraid to have more panic attacks.
  • Agoraphobia It involves the fear of being out of the house alone and is associated with attempts to avoid panic attacks. This includes open spaces like parks, enclosed spaces like crowded supermarkets, use of public transport or congestion. People are scared in this situation because they fear that if they have a panic attack, they may not be able to escape.
  • Social anxiety disorder A common and intense fear of social situations and performances such as speech. People with social anxiety disorders are often worried that others do not think or judge themselves, or feel embarrassed in front of others.
  • General anxiety It is characterized by undue concern about two or more aspects of life (eg, financial or social interaction). Excessive anxiety can lead to fatigue, concentration problems, irritability, and insomnia. For it to be chaotic, this worry has to occur for over 6 months and impair your quality of life.


Most anxiety disorders say they have the same underlying symptoms Shannon O’Neal, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Mount Sinai West.

These mainly include:

  • Unbearable Uncertainty Or unknown

  • Reflection on the future

  • Cognitive rigidity or inability to adapt to new situations

  • The need for control, even in situations where your control is beyond your control

O’Neill says that anxiety orders are only characterized when they begin to hurt someone’s life for a long time, such as productivity at work or school, relationships with friends and family, ability to function in daily life, etc. Stresses that it should.

This can lead to the following issues:

  • The difficulty of controlling anxiety

  • I can’t feel calm

  • Nervousness

  • Gastrointestinal problems

  • Malaise

  • Insomnia or sleep disorders

  • Obsession

  • Ritual behavior to alleviate anxiety symptoms

  • Avoid daily activities


If you are feeling anxiety, Ask for help From a licensed mental health professional therapist, Psychiatrist, or psychologist.

To diagnose anxiety disorders, O’Neill talks to patients about how feelings of anxiety affect their lives. Often she asks patients to do a brief self-assessment based on the patient’s anxiety disorder criteria DSM-5..

In addition, the underlying health status and family medical history are important-anxiety disorders are often affected Genetics and your family environment..


When a doctor determines that an anxiety disorder exists, there are usually two main Treatment: Treatment and medication.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy, Or CBT, can help change the thought and behavior patterns that cause anxiety disorders.

Specifically, it helps teach:

  • How to overcome the trigger of anxiety. During CBTIn many cases, the therapist can work with you to identify the triggers of anxiety, test different solutions and better control the reaction.
  • How to change your perspective. Rigidity, or lack of psychological flexibility, is often Source of anxiety. CBT helps to accept that certain things are out of your control. If you can learn how to adapt to changing circumstances, your mental health will improve.
  • How to calm your body. Anxiety often manifests physically, especially in the following ways: Panic attack.. Relaxation during CBT Technique It can help people focus on their breathing patterns and learn how to slow their heart rate to relieve anxiety.

Overall, CBT is very effective. 60% People with anxiety disorders who participate in CBT have improved mental health and better ability to deal with anxiety.


Anxiolytics such as antidepressants and benzodiazepines do not cure the underlying cause of anxiety disorders, but they can help them function in daily life. In fact, antidepressants are the first line treatment for anxiety disorders.

O’Neill says that if he finds that anxiety is so severe that it interferes with daily activities such as school and work, he will introduce patients to possible medications.

In addition, drug therapy can be used to promote and improve CBT time. “Medication reduces symptoms, puts you in treatment, and helps you learn new exercises,” says O’Neill.

The appropriate time to stop taking anxiolytics varies from person to person, but may be necessary if you experience side effects, are more dependent on the medication, or are less effective.

Long-term use of these drugs is associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and hip fractures, so benzodiazepines may not be appropriate for middle-aged and older people who are worried about memory and balance.

However, be sure to consult your doctor or therapist before changing your medication.

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