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Fauci warns that much is unknown as the number of rare cases of COVID-related illness in children increases


The number of children with rare and deadly inflammatory conditions likely to be associated with COVID-19 exceeds 100 in at least 14 states.

An aggregate comes as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it is actively preparing guidance to health authorities to track what it is currently called Pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome, Or PMIS nationwide.

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The majority of cases occurred in New York, and Governor Andrew Cuomo announced on Tuesday that the state had treated approximately 100 patients in the age range from under 1 to 18 years.

At least five children in New York have died of the disease. The disease acts like toxic shock syndrome or Kawasaki disease and causes severe inflammation of the coronary arteries.

“I know parents across the country are very concerned about this,” Kuomo said at a media briefing on Tuesday. “If this happens in New York, it’s probably in another state.”

In fact, doctors have reported a few other cases in California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Washington, as awareness of PMIS has increased in the last few weeks. Done, Washington DC

On Tuesday, a CDC spokesperson told NBC News that authorities are working to come up with a standard definition of PMIS. This guidance is intended to assist public health personnel in tracking case studies in each state.

Syndromes can be difficult to identify because many affected children do not have the typical respiratory symptoms associated with coronaviruses.

The pediatrics have arrived at the hospital “with symptoms such as high fever, severe abdominal pain, and low blood pressure,” said Dr Roberta Deviasi, Head of Infectious Diseases at the National Children’s Hospital in Washington, D.C.

De Beasi said the children’s hearts are not beating normally or the coronary arteries that supply the heart with blood are inflamed. Some, but not all, patients also develop red eyes, rashes, hand swelling, or enlarged lymph nodes.

Also, many young PMIS patients have been tested positive for COVID-19 or at least have antibodies to the virus, but not all children have it. This may be because some children do not show symptoms until one month after COVID-19 infection.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warned the Senate on Tuesday, saying there were many unclear points about COVID-19 “especially with regard to children.”

“We really need to be very careful,” Fauci said, “as we learn more and more, we’re seeing what this virus can do.”

In the meantime, there is growing evidence that COVID-19 can and does affect children much more seriously. Thought earlier, Even if not finally diagnosed with PMIS.

De Biasi and colleagues at the Children’s National Hospital analyzed the medical records of 177 children and young adults in their 20s who tested positive for COVID-19. One-quarter had to be hospitalized and only a small proportion (5%) were severe and spent on life support.

The most likely need for emergency medical interventions such as artificial respiration was in very young children or children over the age of 15. One of these patients was diagnosed with PMIS.

The study was published on Tuesday Pediatric Journal.. After the paper was submitted for publication, De Biasi said the hospital had treated another 70 children with coronavirus and two more with PMIS.

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People with underlying neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy are much more likely to need hospitalization.

DeBiasi warned that coronavirus complications are rare in children, and it is clear that the vast majority of pediatric COVID-19 patients have mild disease or appear to have no symptoms at all. ..

But she said so far, the PMIS case seems to be more prevalent in the east coast of America and Europe than it was reported in China and the west coast of America.

“There are more sick children than expected when it comes to the East Coast, especially the metropolitan area of ​​Washington D.C.,” said De Beashi.

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