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British researchers try to solve the genetic mystery of COVID-19



LONDON (Reuters) -British researchers study genes in thousands of sick COVID-19 patients and try to crack one of the most puzzling mysteries of the new coronavirus.


File Photo: A computer image produced by Nexu Science Communication with Trinity College in Dublin shows a model that is structurally representative of beta-coronavirus, the type of virus linked to COVID-19. With Reuters on February 18, 2020. NEXUScience Communication / via REUTERS

Researchers from across the UK sequence the genetic code of people ill with COVID-19 and compare their genomes to those who are mild or have no disease at all.

The search for specific genes that may cause a predisposition to COVID-19 is currently or previously up to 20,000 in hospital intensive care with COVID-19, and about 15,000 with mild symptoms. Will be involved.

Scientists warn that their knowledge of the new coronavirus that emerged in China last year is still modest, but it may be fatal to some but less calm to others. I said no.

The reason is still unknown.

“We think the genome has clues that help us understand how this disease kills people,” said Kenneth Bailey, an intensive care physician at the University of Edinburgh, who told Reuters. It was

“I would bet my house on having a very strong genetic component of personal risk,” Bailey said.

The genome is the complete set of organisms’ deoxyribonucleic acids, or DNA, which in humans contains about 3 billion DNA base pairs.

However, comparing them can be difficult. According to Bailey, scientists need large samples because there are 4 to 5 million differences between the two humans.

“We don’t know at the mechanical, molecular or cellular level what actually causes people to get sick and die from this disease,” he said.

Bailey collaborates with the Intensive Care Unit in Genomics England, United Kingdom, and a global genetic research consortium known as Genetics of Susceptibility and Mortality in Critical Care or GenOMICC.

“By reading the entire genome, we may discover new therapies that identify mutations that affect Covid-19 response, reduce harm, save lives, and even prevent future outbreaks.” not”

According to Bailey, thousands of people have already been surveyed, so there may be some answers in the coming weeks.

Results are shared globally.

“The chance of dying of an infectious disease is very strongly encoded in the gene-much more powerful than the chance of dying of heart disease or cancer,” Bailey said.

Reported by Guy Faulconbridge, edited by Angus MacSwan


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