One in ten British patients caught Covid in a hospital in the first
Studies show that about 1 in 10 patients were infected with the coronavirus during hospitalization during the first wave of a pandemic in the UK, and that number rose to about 1 in 6 after the peak of Covid’s hospitalization. Was discovered by a person.
However, they emphasized that improved vaccines, diagnostics and PPE supply, and improved understanding of the virus dramatically reduced the risk of catching Covid in hospitals. Dr. Christopher Green, Senior Clinical Lecturer and Consultant Physician for Infectious Diseases at the University of Birmingham, said:
During the first wave, an average of 11.3% of Covid patients in the UK became infected with Covid-19 after being hospitalized for other reasons, and the proportion surged to about 15.8% in May after the peak of hospitalization. As far as the hospital is concerned, this was the worst pandemic, according to Green.
Given that the average risk of nosocomial infections is about 10%, the average level of Covid for nosocomial infections was not surprising at all, the researchers said.
Researchers surveyed 72,157 patients (two-thirds of all UK hospitalizations) admitted to 314 hospitals during the first wave. They estimated which patients were infected after admission, based on information about how long it took for symptoms to appear after being infected with the virus that causes Covid-19.
Using the August 1, 2020 deadline, researchers estimated that 5,699 to 11,862 patients were infected during hospitalization, but did the researchers stay in the hospital but were discharged before symptoms appeared? , Patients infected during another medical visit prior to admission.
The risk of being infected with Covid in different hospital environments varied widely. The ratio of acute care hospitals to general medical hospitals was the lowest, at about 9.7%. The overall proportion of residential community care hospitals and mental health hospitals was high, at 61.9% and 67.5%, respectively.
Given that patients in residential and long-term facilities tend to stay longer, it is not uncommon for their rates to be high.
However, there was considerable variability between acute care hospitals and general hospitals. Calum Semple, a professor of pediatric health and developmental medicine at the University of Liverpool, had good examples of good management and practice of infection prevention in some busy hospitals, but in some cases the standards were not very good. ..
Scientists attributed this variation to multiple factors, including inadequate PPE and testing supplies, and a lack of understanding of how the virus was transmitted, but these widespread variations prepare for future outbreaks. He said it meant that there were important lessons to be learned.
This data is currently published in the Lancet Journal, but researchers are analyzing it. NHS Policymaker since last year. They continue to monitor the proportion of possible cases of nosocomial infections, and the range is now much better, from 3% to 5%, Green said.
“We really understand a lot of things we didn’t know at the time, so we don’t want people to be afraid to come to the hospital,” he said.
“Of course, one of the important differences is the high vaccination rate. Vaccination dramatically reduces the risk of getting sick, but infection despite being vaccinated. Even if you’re unlucky enough, it’s dramatically reduced. Your ability to send to someone else. “
Hopefully, more focus will be placed on reducing the risk of nosocomial infections, Temple added. “Investigating nosocomial infections should be a business as always. [NHS] Trust, not exceptional activity. “
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