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Studies find that wildfire smoke and soot may cause more cases and deaths in Covid-19

Studies find that wildfire smoke and soot may cause more cases and deaths in Covid-19


NS New research According to the journal Science Advances, the increase in particulate matter from wildfire smoke in 2020 caused a surge in Covid-19 cases and deaths in California, Oregon, and Washington.

“Air pollution of particulate matter could be an additional tool for the faster spread of the virus,” said the study’s co-author, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health Biostatistics, Population. And Francescadominichi, a professor of data science, told CNN. “Given the increased risk of cases from Delta [variant] There is already a wildfire, which is a concern. ”

Particulate matter (PM 2.5) is one of the smallest but most dangerous pollutants. When inhaled, it travels deep into the lung tissue, where it can enter the bloodstream. PM2.5 comes from other sources such as fossil fuel power plants, automobiles and agriculture and is associated with many health complications. asthma, Heart disease, Chronic bronchitis, And other respiratory illnesses — all underlying conditions that make people vulnerable to serious consequences from Covid-19.

Dr. Albert Rizzo, chief medical officer of the American Lung Association, who was not involved in the new study, said air pollution from wildfire smoke was likely causing lung inflammation.

“Particulate matter is what makes the respiratory tract a very fertile land for uninvited infections like the Covid virus to enter the respiratory tract,” Rizzo told CNN. “The immune system is tuned only to combat the effects of particulate matter, and now it must also cause viruses.”

It’s a dangerous combination, Dominichi said. “Currently, there is an increase in risk and cases with delta variants, which would be a concern given that wildfires have already occurred,” she added.

2020 is a historic wildfire season, burning more than 10 million acres across the western states.Directly Number of deaths At least 43 people were caused by the fire, and researchers at Stanford University in September estimated it to be around 1,200 to 3,000. Excessive death In California, we inhale wildfire smoke or PM2.5.
The impact of the 2021 western wildfire so far Not only was the smoke drifting and it was visible all over New York, but there was a fire. Extreme fire behavior, Rotation patterns in fire, rarely towering clouds, etc.
The California sky is shining orange due to the smoke of a forest fire.

A Harvard University study surveyed 92 counties in California, Oregon, and Washington that were affected by the wildfire in 2020. Using satellite images of the fire and public data on Covid-19 cases and deaths in the three western states, researchers found that the more smoke and soot in the counties they surveyed, the more cases and deaths were caused by Covid. There was strong evidence that there were many. If PM 2.5 levels remained high for 28 consecutive days, cases increased by nearly 12% and mortality increased by more than 8%.

“This is a very important study,” Dong Hai Liang, a professor of environmental health at Emory University who was not involved in the study, told CNN. “This is one of the first studies to actually report the link between particulate matter from the 2020 wildfire in the United States and how they contribute to Covid-19 cases and worsening mortality. It is one. “

As the climate crisis accelerates, Liang said the public health risks associated with wildfires could be Breakthrough UN Report Climate change drought and heat, announced on Monday, have prolonged the wildfire season, resulting in More destructive fire..
According to scientists, the Earth is warming faster than previously thought, and windows are closing to avoid catastrophic consequences.

“Even without Covid, we’ve been worried that climate change, which leads to hotter environments and droughts, could feed on wildfires,” said Rizzo. “Next, adding wildfire ash and soot to the air quality promotes breathing. A much more likely problem.”

Tarick Benmania, a climate change epidemiologist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, told CNN:Repeat nature“More frequent wildfires can exacerbate long-term public health effects. Some studies have shown that short-term PM 2.5 exposure from wildfire smoke has led to emergency department visits and hospitalizations. It shows that it led to the increase of.

“When you have [wildfire] In episodes, hospitalization for respiratory or cardiovascular disease is seen to increase significantly. It’s primarily smoke and is primarily composed of PM2.5, “says Benmania.

Certain communities, such as those with heart and lung disease, the elderly, homeless, children and babies, are also at increased risk of exposure to wildfire smoke.and Another study Benmania and his colleagues, announced in April, said wildfire smoke is sending children under the age of 19 to an unprecedented rate of emergency rooms with respiratory problems. discovered.

“Children breathe much more air than we do, and their respiratory system is still developing,” he said. “Therefore, they are much more vulnerable than adults, which can be a very dangerous situation.”

It is not only the toxicity of wildfire smoke, but also the burning of fire. When a fire reaches a community or a charcoal-grilled house, substances such as plastic containing harmful chemicals burn. But unlike smoke, Benmania said toxic emissions are a problem for the community because they aren’t transported that far.

As wildfires intensify, Dominichi hopes the survey will help more people act on environmental justice for the most affected communities and climate crises in general. Stated.

“By showing how devastating the wildfire and Covid-19 combination is, we hope this provides additional evidence to increase the urgency of the fight against climate change,” Dominichi said. rice field.





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