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Children as much as adults may have asymptomatic Covid

Children as much as adults may have asymptomatic Covid


Men, along with older people and people with comorbidities, are more likely to be symptomatic when infected with Covid-19, but the risk of asymptomatic infection in children and young adults remains unchanged. It is published in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases.

Analyzing surveillance data from more than 440,000 samples that underwent the Covid-19 RT-PCR test in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, the study categorized the results of symptomatic or asymptomatic infections among Covid-19 cases in India. This is one of the first studies to distinguish between. We analyzed risk factors for infection (symptomatic and asymptomatic) and mortality, and investigated the integrity of epidemiological reports in the area.

According to data from the seroprevalence survey, a group of researchers led by Ramanan Laxmina Rayan, director of the Washington-based Center for Pathological Economic Policy (CDDEP), can also detect infectious diseases in the region during surveillance. I found that it was only 1.4% of. ..

One of the key findings of this study, “SARS-CoV-2 infection and mortality during the first wave of epidemics in Madurai, South India: a positive and active surveillance study,” among children The risk of asymptomatic infection was equal. As seen in working-age adults, teenagers support the child vaccination debate, especially with the government currently considering reopening schools.

The authors previously published one of the world’s largest Covid-19 contact tracing studies in Science magazine in 2020. In this study, one-tenth of infected patients become “superspreaders,” accounting for 60% of new infections, and infected patients do not pass the disease on to anyone else.

They suggest that their new findings are more likely to be symptomatic infections between men and older, and among people suffering from comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, and respiratory illness. He said-emphasizes the need for early targeted vaccination in these groups.

With a total sample size of 440,253, men made up 59% of all infections, but accounted for 62.2% of all symptomatic cases. Similarly, patients with comorbidity accounted for just over a quarter (26.8%) of all confirmed infections, but their findings show that nearly three minutes of all symptomatological cases. It accounted for 1 (31.2%) of.

“I don’t think there was evidence that older people with comorbidity were at increased risk of symptomatic infections. This is because our limited vaccine is targeted at high-risk age groups rather than low-risk people. It shows that we need to do it, “says Laksh Minarayan, the lead author of the study.

Laxminarayan, however, emphasized that although epidemiological reports from their area of ​​analysis (Madurai) were superior to the national average, there were still most cases that appeared to have avoided detection.

“Based on a seroprevalence study, only 1.4% of infections were confirmed by surveillance. Expected based on surveillance-confirmed seroprevalence of Madurai and IFR estimates from other settings. Only 11% of the deaths of individuals over the age of 15 “, the study said. A June-July serum survey by ICMR across the country showed that an average of about 3% of all people exposed to Sars-Cov-2 were detected as confirmed cases nationwide.

“Epidemiological reports are more complete than elsewhere we have investigated, but they still seem to miss many cases. Given the resources available to the entire health system, this is achieved in any part of India. It’s the best we can do, and many are far from that goal, “says Lakshmi Narayan.

“Although we also find that the risk of asymptomatic infections is comparable among younger age groups, other studies show that people with symptomatic infections are more likely to be infected. So again, as the risk of symptomatic infections seems to be highest, I would like to argue that we focus on the high-risk population of older people and younger people with comorbidities. ” Stated.





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