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LA County announces 4,229 new cases of COVID-19, 21 deaths

LA County announces 4,229 new cases of COVID-19, 21 deaths


Los Angeles (CNS) — Los Angeles County reported 4,229 new cases of COVID-19 and 21 additional deaths on Saturday.

According to the Los Angeles County Public Health Service, cases have been reported on average over 3,000 cases per day in the past week, with more tests expected in the coming weeks.

What you need to know

  • LA County reported 4,229 new COVID-19 cases and 21 additional deaths on Saturday
  • Saturday’s daily test positive rate was 3.96%, a 25% decrease from last Saturday’s 4.8% positive rate.
  • As of Saturday, there were 1,650 patients with COVID-19 in the county, up from 1,627 the day before.
  • County figures show that the vast majority of people hospitalized with COVID are not vaccinated

Saturday’s daily test positive rate was 3.96%, a 25% decrease from last Saturday’s 4.8% positive rate. Authorities said this probably reflected an increase in the number of people completing regular screening tests.

On the other hand, in the county, the number of hospitalizations due to COVID-19 increased after a slight decrease for two consecutive days. As of Saturday, there were 1,650 patients with COVID-19 in the county, up from 1,627 the day before. According to state statistics, 400 of these patients are in the intensive care unit, more than the 381 reported on Friday.

County figures show that the vast majority of people hospitalized with COVID are not vaccinated. During July, vaccinated residents accounted for only 13% of those hospitalized with the virus.

According to the Ministry of Health, infection rates show that unvaccinated people are almost four times more likely to be infected with COVID-19. The unvaccinated case rate is 243 per 100,000 and the fully vaccinated case rate is 66 per 100,000. Vaccinated people are about 14 times more likely to be hospitalized than unvaccinated or partially vaccinated people.

“We want to warn everyone, including those who have been vaccinated, to take precautions during this time of mass infection of highly infectious variants,” said Barbara, director of the county’s public health department. Mr. Feller said. “There is clear evidence that the risk for vaccinated individuals is significantly reduced, but because fully vaccinated people infected with the delta mutant can infect others with the virus. At this point, common sense precautions are needed.

“Fully vaccinated people are advised to pay attention to crowded indoor environments, especially around unvaccinated people outside the home. Masking at a distance will provide a layer of protection. Remember to add. A fully vaccinated person will assess the risk of attending an event or activity with someone outside the home. Symptoms of the disease or known or known. A fully vaccinated person with possible exposure must be tested and remains isolated from others while waiting for the results of the test. “

Following a new federal blessing, LA County health officials offered a third dose of Pfizer and Modena COVID-19 vaccine on Saturday for people with severely impaired immune systems. started.

Booster shots are for organ transplant recipients, people receiving cancer treatment, HIV patients, and people taking selected “immunosuppressive drugs.” The health department has urged people to consult their doctors to confirm the eligibility of the third shot, which should be given at least 28 days after the second dose.

A third dose is provided at a vaccination site in the county that offers Pfizer and Modana vaccinations. Those looking for a shot can easily “self-certify” that they have a qualified medical condition.

“Studies show that people with immunodeficiency are more susceptible to post-vaccination infections and are more likely to be severely ill with COVID-19,” Feller said. “Additional vaccinations for some people with weakened immunity may help prevent serious illness and death.

“If you’re eligible, it’s a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider about your third dose,” she said. “Also, people in close contact with immunocompromised people are advised to be vaccinated as soon as possible to protect their high-risk family and friends.”

Booster Shot received final approval this week from the US Food and Drug Administration and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Saturday numbers have resulted in a total of 1,347,023 cases and 24,892 deaths in the county since the pandemic began.





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