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“We’re trying to beat the time”: Mobile vaccination team hits the city of Toronto

“We’re trying to beat the time”: Mobile vaccination team hits the city of Toronto


Toronto-On a sultry day, Fred Henderson and Coffey Eboa hover violently over the chess board at Mattieckler Park on the eastern tip of Toronto. They are in the middle of a match and the next move can make all the difference.

“You’re going to borrow some smoke from me,” Henderson said.

Their joke was unexpectedly interrupted by the rattling noise of a cart on the jagged sidewalk leading to the concrete table where the two were sitting.

“Have you been vaccinated yet?” Ask someone from afar.

The voice is from Ruth Rebornera, a nurse at Michael Garon Hospital. She is accompanied by nearly 12 of her health care colleagues walking down the street and is providing Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccines to those who are willing and qualified to receive them.

Philip Anthony, Manager of East Toronto Mobile Vaccine Strategy at Michael Gallon Hospital, said:

“It has downstream implications. Everyone who is vaccinated keeps their families and loved ones safer. At this point in the campaign, it helps a little.”

Michael Garon’s mobile vaccination street team, launched two weeks ago, Canada plunges into the fourth wave There is concern that the highly contagious Delta variant, which is the cause of the pandemic, will disrupt the already burdensome healthcare system and economy.

At the same time, Ontario Highest COVID-19 positive rate in monthsIn most cases, it affects unvaccinated.

Some unvaccinated people are curious enough to pause the chess game and ask the mobile vaccination team. He is uncertain about the safety of the vaccine.

“Do you want to know which vaccine you personally received?” He asks Reboldera.

This is where street teams shine, offering the luxury of long-form conversations that are not well suited for high-volume vaccination clinics. After a few minutes round trip, Yeboa is reassured enough to receive the first dose of Pfizer vaccine.

Mobile vaccination team

“I was hesitant at first,” he told CTV News Toronto. “I feel really good about it. I’ve been waiting so long and I’m lucky today. I thank all these people. They were very kind to the community.”

Henderson, the chess opponent of the day, has just received a second dose and is a great relief for him given the risk factors associated with his lifestyle. He describes himself as homeless and distrustful of the city’s shelter system.

“For a long time I was cautious,” Henderson explained his feelings about the vaccination process. “This is great. It’s much better than walking two miles to Michael Garon.”

Mobile vaccination team

A team of streets hundreds of meters from the park knocks on the doors of local businesses and provides vaccinations to the working class in the city on the spot. They found an avid participant in Rossita Dela Cruz. As the owner of the Filipino Oriental Food Market, I have been working 6 days a week since opening in 1972.

“This is awesome,” she said, shortly after rolling up her sleeves for her second dose of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. “I didn’t expect them to be on this door-to-door visit. I thought they were coming in.”

“For those who are hesitant, for those who have to work, this makes a difference,” says Reboldera. “We are trying to beat the time.”

Mobile vaccination team





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