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Australian researchers find “secret ingredient” in coronavirus vaccine competition


Australian researchers claim they may have discovered the “secret ingredient” of an effective malaria vaccine, which COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing..

Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease that reaches the liver first before entering the bloodstream, which can lead to multiple organ failure or death.

Research at the University Peter Doherty Institute MelbournePublished in a peer-reviewed journal Cell & Host Microbe on Tuesday, discovered how to prevent the development of malaria from the liver.

Our vaccine can amplify the army of killer cells and eliminate malaria-infected cells. So it’s a very different approach. And that’s very effective, “said co-author Associate Professor Irina Caminschi. ABC..

“We have identified a protein that is clearly visible to the immune system, and we can use that protein to educate the immune system that this is a malaria protein. That’s the problem- You need to destroy it. “

Australian researchers claim they may have discovered the

Australian researchers claim they may have discovered the “secret ingredient” of an effective malaria vaccine

Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease that first travels to the liver before entering the bloodstream. May lead to multiple organ failure or death

Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease that first travels to the liver before entering the bloodstream. May lead to multiple organ failure or death

Researchers used mice that were difficult to protect against malaria. Develop a vaccine. They were able to protect the mice for up to 200 days.

Co-author Dr. Daniel Fernandez Lewis said vaccines could help protect people from disease.

He said his research strategy might be adaptable to help find a coronavirus vaccine.

“With a few tricks, we can actually create protective immunity in the lungs, so using this strategy, something like the COVID-19 virus can infect the lungs and actually settle You can create waiting killer cells that are ready to eliminate it before.

There is a global need for protection against the deadly coronavirus that caused economic suspensions and forced people indoors as countries tried to stop the epidemic.

Dozens of potential vaccines have been designed in laboratories around the world and we plan to start this trial process in the coming months.

Scientists working on preliminary tests for coronavirus vaccine candidates at CSIRO Labs in Geelong. Clinical trials in humans will be conducted by Oxford University in the United Kingdom and Inobi Offer Mathewicals in the United States.

Scientists working on preliminary tests for coronavirus vaccine candidates at CSIRO Labs in Geelong. Clinical trials in humans will be conducted by Oxford University in the United Kingdom and Inobi Offer Mathewicals in the United States.

The Australian Federal Institute for Science and Industry (CSIRO) is rapidly tracking trials for two candidate vaccines, one from the United States and one from the United Kingdom.

CSIRO was the first non-China research organization to generate enough stocks of virus to enable research.

CSIRO is currently in the pre-clinical trial stage, thanks to its speedy work. It usually takes up to 2 years to reach.

Vaccine development is a long and complex process, which can typically take up to 15 years, so reaching vaccines within 15 months is a record time.

Scientist working at GSI Long's CSIRO Biosecurity Lab. Pre-clinical trials confirm whether candidate vaccines are safe before going into human trials

Scientist working at GSI Long’s CSIRO Biosecurity Lab. Pre-clinical trials confirm whether candidate vaccines are safe before going into human trials

Photo: CSIRO's High Containment Biological Research Facility in Geelong, Victoria. Preclinical study will take about 3 months

Photo: CSIRO’s High Containment Biological Research Facility in Geelong, Victoria. Preclinical study will take about 3 months

Vaccines usually have to go through a preclinical stage, animal studies, and then go through two phases of human trials to study safety, immunogenicity, proposed doses and delivery methods. There is.

If the vaccine passes these hurdles, it will move to a large Phase III trial, which usually involves tens of thousands of people, to catch rare side effects. It will then be submitted for approval.

Due to the extraordinary urgency of the coronavirus pandemic, CSIRO is testing vaccines as quickly as possible.

A federal research agency is currently conducting preclinical vaccine trials to test the safety of vaccine candidates against ferrets before moving on to human trials.

CSIRO is a quick test to get a valid coronavirus vaccine. Photo: Scientists testing coronavirus vaccine candidates at the CSIRO lab in Geelong, Victoria, April 2

CSIRO is a quick test to get a valid coronavirus vaccine. Photo: Scientists testing coronavirus vaccine candidates at the CSIRO lab in Geelong, Victoria, April 2

CSIRO is in preclinical trials. It usually takes up to two years to get there, thanks to the swift approach to the virus. CSIRO was the first laboratory outside of China to foster resources for research.

CSIRO is in preclinical trials. It usually takes up to two years to get there, thanks to the swift approach to the virus. CSIRO was the first laboratory outside of China to foster resources for research.

The University of Oxford will then conduct a human test for the UK vaccine candidate and Inobio Offer Materials for the US candidate to determine if the vaccine is effective.

Australian coronavirus cases: 6,972

New South Wales: 3,059

Victoria: 1,507

Queensland: 1,051

Western Australia: 553

South Australia: 439

Tasmania: 227

Australian Capital Territory: 107

Northern Territory: 29

Total number of cases: 6,972

Recovery: 6,230

Dead: 98

A spokeswoman for CSIRO said during a video media briefing that it usually takes up to two years to reach this testing stage.

“The test is expected to take about three months,” a CSIRO spokesperson said on Monday.

CSIRO is testing the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine candidate, but is also evaluating the best ways to give the vaccine better protection, including innovative approaches such as intramuscular injection and nasal drops.

“CSIRO carefully balances speed operations with the critical need for safety in response to this global public health emergency.”

Scientists at the University of Queensland are also looking for a third vaccine with the “incredibly ambitious” goal of prototype by September.


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