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FALSE: Conspiracy theory that peaplomers in COVID-19 vaccine are “cytotoxic” by experts


(KXAN) — False alarm warning: Video currently circulating on social media claims that the speplomer contained in the COVID-19 vaccine kills or damages cells in your body — but medical experts say He says there is no evidence to support this statement.

The video from a Canadian talk radio show aims to reveal that the spiked protein in the vaccine destroys cells and allows the protein to bind to and infect vaccinated ones. increase. Some of such claims have even been made by the doctor. Robert Malone, Self-proclaimed “inventor of mRNA technology” (I’ll talk more about this later)..

But a recent fact check by experts, Poynter Institute PolitiFact, Reuters, When Associated Press Dismantle the claim of the video.

The video interview relies heavily on the claims made by Canadian viral immunologist Dr. Byram BridleThe COVID-19 vaccine claimed to produce “toxins” that could be transmitted to the brain. In a commonly cited quote, Bridle states: “We made a big mistake. I hadn’t noticed it before, but I thought peplomer was a great target antigen.” However, countless researchers have disputed this.

The biggest strike against this claim is simple. Vaccines currently approved in the United States (Pfizer, Modana, Johnson & Johnson) do not contain live COVID-19 or even its speloomers. Instead, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines use messenger RNA (mRNA) to tell the body how to attack by making spike proteins. Small amount after that.. For medical researchers and doctors, these amounts are of little importance and are no different from other existing vaccines.

Another of Bridle’s claims is that vaccines — And protein experts agree with them please do not Have — It can move from the shoulders to other parts of the body and cause damage.

Dr. Adam Ratner, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Specialist, NYU Langone Health, Explain to AP: “What was said on the radio show was completely inaccurate … Amount [of spike proteins] What is produced after the mRNA is injected is very small and remains almost exclusively local. It’s far from the amount he was talking about. ”

Moreover, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains: “Our immune system recognizes that the protein does not belong to it, builds an immune response and begins to make antibodies, as it does with a natural infection against COVID-19. At the end of the process, we begin to make antibodies. The body has learned how to protect it from future infections. “

Viral vaccine countermeasure video

Searching for “peplomers” and “toxicity” on Facebook found hundreds of variations of the video’s claims, including others advancing the theory that peplomers are “biological weapons.” The video has been viewed more than 51,000 times.

Some photos of the Nature Neuroscience study are widely shared on Facebook, and other platforms have fake titles for the study.SARS-CoV-2 S1 protein crosses the blood-brain barrier in mice, “And instead you will be asked to read” Spikes as Toxins “. Mouse research from December 2020 Genuine, But the protein from virus — — Not a vaccine — May enter the brain of mice injected with SARS-CoV-2.

Dr. William A. Banks, lead author of the study, concluded that this could add more background to why patients with COVID-19 have difficulty breathing. virus — — Not a vaccine — May enter the respiratory center of the brain.The bank also explained to the peer-reviewed person Age of psychiatry The protein invasion can also explain why some recovered COVID-19 patients experience brain fog.

The widely distributed screenshots of the December 2020 S1 protein study contained incorrect titles, misleading readers of the findings.

Based on recent dataResearchers are increasingly understanding how COVID-19 infection affects the brain, but some recent findings show that the virus is more difficult to access the brain than previously thought. It suggests that there is a possibility.

On YouTube, debanked spike protein videos are currently viewed approximately 3.5 million times. Facebook has flagged some posts in the video as “wrong information”. Meanwhile, there has been a surge in posts that confuse that claim. One such Facebook post is:

“The FDA was warned a few months ago that the COVID vaccine’s peplomer is cytotoxic. Cytotoxicity: Toxic to cells. The FDA did nothing and people still continue to inject cytotoxic substances. Allowed. Fact check it !!! “

This allegation is related to Malone’s statement that he sent a “manuscript” to the US Food and Drug Administration about the threat of peplomomers. The FDA states that he has determined that his claim does not have sufficient evidence to support it.

As for Malone, he did contribute to the development of mRNA technology, but research shows that he did not act alone in the study. In the article on August 12th Atlantic, Author Tom Bartlett, including a claim from fellow mRNA research icon Katalin Kariko, who threatened her by email after Malone was notorious for supporting the production of the COVID-19 vaccine. It shows some lesser-known elements of Malone’s back story.

Kariko claims that “hundreds of scientists” have contributed more to the mRNA vaccine than he has, and that Malone’s ownership of the “inventor” title of mRNA technology is over-expanded. Over the years, and especially through pandemics, he has become increasingly polarized among his peers, with many paying attention to his apparent hunger for spotlights, personal dissatisfaction, and / or sensational views. doing.

Malone claims he is not anti-vaccinated and denies that he meant his remarks to Kariko as a threat. The Associated Press contacted Bridle but did not receive a reply.

Is your information true?Fight against fake news

Conspiracy theories and false allegations continue to be replicated throughout the Internet, but there are some actions readers can take to thwart them.

Cornell University Library has an entire section of resources Fake News, Propaganda, Disinformation: Learn to Critically Assess Media Sources, Provides a wealth of resources to consider.

The university explains that one of the first items to check is the URL. Is it unusual? URLs ending in or lo may not be legitimate news sites. How “good” does the site look like? Evaluate whether the website you are looking at looks professional. In addition, the actual news article has its source.

How to Find Fake News Guidelines (Cornell University)
  • Read more than headlines — The heading may be sensational and may not represent the entire story.It can also be difficult to extract complex stories in such a short space.
  • Do your own research — “Your own investigation” should include investigating the credibility and bias of your site, identifying the source of the author’s information, and identifying the author.
  • Know before sharing — Just because you have family, friends, or someone who thinks you can’t share fake news wisely doesn’t mean you can trust it.
  • Look inside — Do you have your own prejudices or prejudices about the topic?Ask yourself if you are open to changing your opinion
  • Find expert opinion — Your mom, your spouse, or your best friend may give you great advice, but if they aren’t experts, get a second opinion!

Finally, you can easily see the story by scrutinizing a lot of people you can trust. Fact check website, include Politifact,, Snopes, And that Fact check from Duke Reporter’s Lab..





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