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New clues about the formation of life found in traces of liquid in space rocks 450 million years ago — RT World News


By investigating what the solar system looked like at an early stage, and analyzing ancient space rocks, a team of researchers could be involved in the formation of amino acids, and ultimately the formation of life we ​​know of. I will clarify the answer.

A new discovery-reported by an international group of scientists headed by the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) -was announced this week at Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Atom-by-atom analysis of the Tagish Lake meteorite, which arrived spectacularly on Earth in 2000, provided the team with an early view of the solar system millions of years ago. Using atomic probe tomography, which can image atoms in 3D, scientists have found water deposits remaining on the magnetite particles of meteorites.

“I think the early solar system was rich in water.” Dr. Lee White, the lead author of the study, explained.

However, there is little direct evidence of the chemistry or acidity of these liquids, even if they are important for the early formation and evolution of amino acids, and ultimately for microbial life.

The Tajish Lake Rocks-named after the Canadian waters-was largely destroyed when they entered the Earth’s atmosphere, but about 10 kilometers of ruins were collected from a frozen lake. This study suggests that the liquids in the cosmic rocks were near-ideal for the synthesis of sodium-rich, alkaline, or amino acids, a key constituent of life.

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“Amino acids are an integral component of life on earth, but we can still learn a lot about how they were originally formed in the solar system.” Beth Reimer, a co-author of the study and a PhD candidate at the University of York, said.

The more variables we can constrain, such as temperature and pH, the better we can understand the synthesis of these very important molecules and their evolution into what are now known as living things on Earth.

The study found that, given the composition of the liquid, amino acids formed rapidly on meteors and could have planted microbial species up to 4.5 billion years ago.

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