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Get up now and stop the COVID-19 variant


The original SARS-CoV-2 virus was first detected in Wuhan, China in the fall of 2019. It spread rapidly around the world within just a few months, causing serious illness and hundreds of illnesses.

Thousands of dead. By spring, it was revealed that the virus had changed and mutated, and the peplomer mutation was shown as D614G. (This nomenclature means that aspartic acid was replaced by glycine at position 614). A study by Los Alamos National Laboratory and Korber B et al. Of Shefield COVID-19 Genomics Group found that preprints increased the virus by “alarm rate” and that the virus was “alarm rate”.Benefits of “fitness”.. They reported that detection of D614G was associated with lower PCR cycles and showed higher viral load. The authors also provided evidence of recombination between hybrid virus-producing strains.

This report should have sounded a warning, but instead, the findings were downplayed, as was evidence of increased transmission rates.Final publication cell, Removed the word “”Be vigilant.. The term “fitness” was spun by policy makers as not a significant change.

The explanation that the mutation rate of SARS-CoV-2 is not high and therefore does not form mutants rapidly is due to the mutation rate of SARS-CoV-2. Seasonal flu.. This is because SARS-CoV-2 has a repair enzyme designed to correct replication errors. With seasonal influenza, we encounter one new strain each year and prepare vaccines for its emergence. Therefore, it was expected that the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine could be produced and administered, perhaps less frequently, each year to control the pandemic.

Korber, et al. Is an example of data that does not fit the hypothesis, and too many people’s reaction was to discount the data. However, there are currently many studies documenting increased transmission rates for D614G. However, an even bigger problem was imminent.

When a virus replicates, it can mutate. As replication and transmission increase, so does mutation. Wild-type SARS-CoV-2 is at least three times more infectious than seasonal flu4, and the D614G strain is even more infectious by producing four to five times as many peplomers on capsules. increase. Increase its transmissibility.. This set the stage of the rampant mutation. It may be true that each virus mutates half of seasonal influenza, but as it becomes more contagious, SARS-CoV-2 mutates rapidly, surpassing seasonal influenza with the emergence of new variants. rice field.

There are two ways a virus can evolve and adapt to its environment. The first is a point mutation or substitution of a particular amino acid due to a replication error. The other is due to recombination when a virus exchanges most of its genetic code for another virus. Kobel et al. Found evidence of recombination with SARS-CoV-2. Recombination is facilitated by a high rate of community infection and sets the stage for supervariant production.

By November 2020, it became clear that the virus had mutated. Fast It vividly shows the myriad strains and mutations of SARS-CoV-2. There is no doubt that SARS-COV-2 has a high mutation rate.

It was also expected that meaningful changes in peplomer would reduce the ability of SARS-CoV-2 to adhere to cells. Of course, this didn’t happen. By the end of 2020, South Africa (B.1.351) had a mutation with the antigenic escape mutation E484K (sometimes called the “EeK” mutation). By April 2021, many other SARS-CoV-2 viruses of different strains included a Brazilian variant (P.1), a New York variant (B.1.536) and several strains of the United Kingdom. We have developed our own E484K mutation. Kingdom variant (B.1.1.7). This is an example of convergent evolution, and some now feel that the virus may have reached an evolutionary plateau, as so many different strains have acquired the same solution to partially escape immunity. did.

By this time, the number of variants was so large that the corresponding numbers and letters used to represent names were so complex that a new naming system was needed. Use of the country or region of origin is not normally used as it may politicize the pandemic. The best example was a pandemic of the Spanish flu, the first known case of which was in Kansas, USA. The United States and Europe did not want to admit the infection or its significant impact on World War I forces, as it could make German troops bold. Spain, on the other hand, was war-neutral and completely transparent about the pandemic. Its monarch, Alfonso XIII, became ill with the flu, and the country then Pandemic..

Therefore, WHO decided to name the major variants in Greek letters, as shown below. Table below..

The US Government’s SARS-CoV-2 Inter-Ministry Group (SIG) has also prioritized variants that fall into three categories based on impact. About civilization..

Mutant of interest: The virus has certain genetic markers that can affect infection, diagnosis, treatment, or antigenic escape. There is evidence that mutations are responsible for the increased proportion of cases, or that they can cause unique outbreaks. However, it has a limited prevalence in the United States or other countries.

Variant of concern: It has a significant impact on diagnosis, treatment or vaccine, increased infectivity, and / or increased severity of the disease.

High-resulting variants: Failure of diagnostic tests, poor protection of vaccines against serious illnesses, severe clinical illnesses, and increased hospitalizations have a large impact on countermeasures.

SARS-CoV-2 continues to evolve. With each new variant, it became clear that the virus appeared to become increasingly infectious. Mutants that increase viral load can also overwhelm the host’s immune system, making it more toxic, as well as increasing infectivity and the chance of mutation. To make matters worse, SARS-CoV-2 infects many animals, including cats, large cats, and dogs. gorilla.. Recently, concerns have been raised that an animal host may have been found in white-tailed deer, with SARS-CoV-2 antibodies identified in 40%. Surveyed animals..

The Indian mutation, a delta mutant, acquired several important mutations (including L452R, P681R, D614G, T478K) and became the predominant strain in the United States and the United Kingdom by the summer of 2021. .. This mutant acquired another important mutation, K417N, and became Delta Plus.

Many of these variants appear to be effective in evading immunity. Dr. Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute for Allergic Infectious Diseases and Chief Medical Advisor to President Biden, testified at a Senate hearing.

“A South African study conducted by Johnson & Johnson found that wild-type infected (unvaccinated) people were exposed to South African subspecies 351. It was as if they had been infected so far. It was as if there wasn’t. They had no protection.. “

In early fall of 2020, the city of Manaus, Brazil, was estimated to have reached herd immunity and found that two-thirds of the population had antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (others without antibodies). May have had memory B cells).I was hit by another bigger wave caused by the gamma variant Devastated its population.. In Delhi, India, antibody testing may have achieved herd immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in January 2021, with 60% of the population carrying antibodies to SARS-CoV-2. It became clear that there was. Like Brazil, India has since been devastated by the adapted virus. Delta variant..

The new pattern is that each new wave that surrounds the country is caused by different variants of the virus. There are four major waves of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States, each caused by a different variant. There were wild-type viruses, D614G variants, alpha variants, and delta variants (see figure below).

It is also clear that each major wave is caused by a mutant with antigenic escape properties. These waves come frequently, at least several times a year, exceeding our ability to produce and administer highly effective vaccines. Unfortunately, future variants, including kappa and lambda variants, are also awaiting and can cause a major wave of infection in the future.Lambda variants have antigenic escape properties and mutations (G75V, T76I, L452Q, F490S, D614G, T859N and deletion Δ246-252) Other variants..

Group immunity is no longer possible, the virus is mutated and may have an animal host. We must raise the bar for public health outcomes by focusing not only on mortality, but also on the prevalence and long-distance syndrome that can occur even with vaccines. Breakthrough infectious disease.. SARS-CoV-2 is not a flu and does not disappear with the seasons and affects all organs of the body. The emergence of variants of the high sequence is almost certain in our ability to detect it in avoidance and testing of vaccine protection. It is of utmost importance to slow down the replication and mutation of this virus. To do this, you need to take the following steps to slow down the spread of the virus.

  • Upgrade your mask usage recommendations and use N95 or KN95 masks whenever possible.
  • Everyone who needs to be vaccinated. As in Israel, there is an urgent need to follow up on the approval of mRNA boosters for high-risk individuals, including those who are immunosuppressed and have been vaccinated for more than 60 and 5 months.
  • Upgrade your building’s ventilation system to increase air exchange and air disinfection.
  • Extend the testing capabilities to allow frontline workers and school children to be tested at least twice a week and other workers at least once a week.
  • Limit the size of meetings, such as planning a permanent hybrid instruction to limit the size of pods and classes at school.
  • Companies, including restaurants, must offer online ordering, curbside pickup, and courier if possible.
  • Everyone needs to be vaccinated. Essential vaccines should be needed in many situations, including healthcare. Vaccine passports or green cards are available in Israel and France and must be implemented in the United States.

The above steps are also necessary to restore consumer confidence and maintain the economy. You need to plan and invest in long-term solutions. The virus can disappear, similar to the 1918 flu. Or, like polio, measles, and smallpox, it can exist for decades. Consistent message and vaccine dissemination, and public health measures are key to giving the pharmaceutical industry the time needed to develop new vaccines and treatments that can effectively treat and prevent infectious diseases.





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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