State officials need COVID-19 vaccination
State vaccine obligations apply to corrections, welfare services, state health services, and other staff in contact with vulnerable populations.
Colorado, USA — State agencies have jointly announced that staff working in facilities 24 hours a day, 7 days a week will need to be vaccinated with COVID-19.
Staff at affected state facilities include the Colorado Correctional Bureau (CDOC), Colorado Human Services Sector (CDHS) And Colorado Public Health Service (CDPHE) – Includes staff interacting with vulnerable people and other state staff.
Authorities followed guidelines from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state public health authorities in a news release, saying, “The best way to protect Coronadan is for individuals to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. “.
State agency representatives agreed that vaccination of staff, including CDHS Executive Director Michelle Burns, was correct.
“We are in the healthcare business. It is our ultimate responsibility to do everything we can to protect and deliver the well-being of our clients and each other,” Burns said. “Our clients are in a collective care environment. This virus and its variants have hit these environments hard. Do the right thing for our clients, staff, loved ones, and the community. Is our duty. “
> Watch the video above about Colorado offering $ 500 to prison staff to get the COVID vaccine
Staff at CDOC and CDPHE facilities must be first vaccinated by 30 September and fully vaccinated by 31 October.
According to the release, these are the specific employees needed to get the vaccine:
- For CDOC: All CDOC employees who enter the facility as part of public interaction, interaction with prisoners or parolees, or job assignments must be vaccinated. The CDOC also requires vaccinations from other state officials, contractors, visitors, volunteers, and vendors entering prison facilities (some accommodations have been created due to unavoidable circumstances).
- For CDHS: All CDHS direct care and support staff who regularly enter the CDHS facility, including all CDHS leadership positions and other state personnel who may interact with the facility staff, must be vaccinated. CDHS also requires contractors who enter the facility on a regular basis and interact with customers to certify vaccination. This includes, but is not limited to, OT / PT providers, education providers, security personnel, and temporary staff.
- For CDPHE: All CDPHE employees, temporary staff, and contractors who go directly to the medical facility to perform their duties (eg, long-term care facility inspectors). Staff and contractors who manage or manage vaccines or test events onsite. Disease Management and Public Health Response Department (DCPHR) staff and contractors, including state laboratories and emergency preparedness and response offices. Staff and contractors who may have face-to-face contact with moderate to severe immunodeficiency Colorado through their normal duties Additional recommended dose of CDC..
According to CDOC and CDHS, employees have been vaccinated since January 2021 and have provided numerous vaccine clinics for staff, prisoners and customers, some offering cash incentives.
The current percentage of fully vaccinated DOC staff is 58.7%, with 64% of prisoners receiving the first vaccination.
The current vaccination rate for CDHS staff is 77% and for residents and clients 73%.
Recommended video: COVID-19 vaccine
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