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Only 1 in 10 children with ADHD exceeds it


Dennis Thompson
Health Day Reporter

Wednesday, August 18, 2021 (HealthDay News)-Suffering from Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (HealthDay News)ADHD) Painful enough as a child, but new studies now confirm that many have long been suspicious: these patients will often continue to be annoyed. Symptoms of ADHD As an adult.

Only 1 in 10 children with disabilities can be complete and long lasting Remission Of their symptoms, according to new data collected from tracking hundreds of children for 16 years.

Margaret Sibley, an associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, said the remaining ADHD symptoms would fade in and out as children, teens, and adults grow up. rice field.

These new findings are contrary to previous estimates that half of children with ADHD are expected to recover completely from their disability, Sibley said.

“ADHD is a kind of debilitating or dynamic and fluctuating disorder, but I’ve historically thought of it as either you have it or you don’t,” Sibley said.

Earlier studies of ADHD tended to reconnect with children only at some point in adulthood, according to Sibley. However, in this new study, researchers contacted a group of 558 children aged 8 to 16 years and a base every two years.

“This was a unique study to see if ADHD would go away, not just if it would go away for years in a row, and if it would come back again,” Sibley said. Stated.

The new study also focused on the symptoms of ADHD and asked participants about specific issues such as confusion, impulsivity, forgetting, and lack of motivation.

“Previous studies didn’t necessarily determine if someone still had ADHD-like tendencies, even if they didn’t meet the technical criteria,” Sibley said. “You may have one symptom short, but you still almost seem to have ADHD.”

Sibley and her team Children with ADHD You will experience complete remission at some point during adulthood.

However, most of those children will later experience a recurrence of ADHD symptoms as their remission diminishes. Overall, about two-thirds of children with ADHD had varying periods of remission and recurrence over time.

The new study was published online on August 13. American Journal of Psychiatry..

Dr. Alex Collefzon, director of child and adolescent psychiatry at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, said: — The majority of affected people do not overcome their symptoms as previously envisioned. ”

One important note: All children in this study were diagnosed with “ADHD complex” and these findings apply to children with “ADHD inattention” or other subtypes of disability. It shouldn’t be, the chief Dr. Andrew Aidsman warned.Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Study at Cohen Pediatric Center in New Hyde Park, NY

“Importantly, this study shows individuals with attention-deficit ADHD, who are impaired due to difficulty maintaining attention, but have serious problems with hyperactivity and impulsivity. It doesn’t tell us anything about the long-term consequences of individuals without it, “said Adesman.

Sibley has long known that ADHD has a genetic basis.

“These genes are related to the parts of the brain that are associated with chemical dopamine, which means how people’s brains work with respect to their brains. Executive function And the area of ​​motivation of the brain, “explained Sibley.

Given that, Sibley said it makes sense for the disorder to come and go in many patients, as it is partly caused by human biology.

But that’s just part of the story. Like other illnesses with intermittent relapses, she said doctors are learning that certain “triggers” can exacerbate a person’s ADHD symptoms.

“What’s interesting to start thinking about is essentially the volume of those difficulties you have a genetic tendency to do as a result of other things that may be happening in your environment and things like your health. It’s a way to raise or lower your behavior. “

Managing the symptoms of ADHD can be as easy as sleeping well, exercising, and eating properly, or as deep as choosing a carrier that is less likely to cause stress or disability.

“People with ADHD, who are presumed to be in remission, still need consistent monitoring, especially in stressful and demanding situations where symptoms can be exacerbated,” said Kolevzon. “These findings also highlight the need to work with adults to make the screening and treatment of ADHD comfortable. ADHD is lifelong and has a significant impact on work, relationships and daily functioning. It is a very debilitating disorder that can be treated effectively with treatment. “

Sibley believes that the study will ultimately provide a positive message by giving people with ADHD the opportunity to actively manage their symptoms.

“I think we’re also learning how people with ADHD can choose to control their lives and put themselves in the right environment to succeed, and people with ADHD. Can know what their trigger is, to do what they have to do to keep them functioning well, “Sibley said.

For more information

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ADHD..

Source: Dr. Margaret Sibley, Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle. Alex Kolevzon, MD, Director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City. Andrew Adesman, MD, Chief, Development and Behavior Pediatrics, Cohen Children’s Medical Center, New Hyde Park, NY; American Journal of Psychiatry, August. Online, 13th, 2021





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