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Sydney News: Vaccine Blitz Targeted Hotspot Youth, Fatal Stab Wound in Southwest


Here’s what you need to know this morning:

Pfizer Blitz is targeting young people

With the ever-increasing number of COVID-19 cases in New South Wales, an ambitious campaign to vaccinate people between the ages of 16 and 39 from Sydney’s hotspots begins today.

Health officials hope that electric shocks using 530,000 Pfizer doses from Poland (1 million federally purchased shares assigned to NSW) will help reduce infections.

The cases of the 12 municipalities of interest remain stubbornly high. Of the 633 new cases announced yesterday, the majority occurred in southwest and west Sydney.

Susan Pearce of NSW Health, who is responsible for vaccine deployment, said it was important to prioritize this demographic for the next two and a half weeks.

“We know that many cases come from that particular age group, so it’s quite different from what we saw before Delta,” Pierce said.

Some mobile AstraZeneca clinics in the southwestern part of the city were closed and staff were redirected to assist Pfizer Drive.

“We threw everything we got by lifting our abilities … what we can do to get these doses to this really important group of people as soon as possible I’m ready to do anything, “said Pierce.

Health officials have postponed the time interval to allow a second dose in October.

Grand Mufti is vaccinated

Dr. Mohammed, Australia’s Grand Mufti, was vaccinated with COVID-19 this week.(((



Australian Grand Mufti Ibrahim Abmohammed has released a video of his COVID-19 vaccination.

Dr. Mohammed said in a video posted on YouTube that everyone in the Islamic community wants to understand how wrong the rumors that they are not halal are.

“I have no problem with the vaccine,” he said in a short clip.

“It is one of the scientific advances and one of the gifts of Allah.”

Dr. Muhammad and other key figures in the Islamic community received their jabs as efforts to vaccinate the western and southwestern suburbs of Sydney continued.

Minister reveals diagnosis of Bell’s palsy

A man standing behind a microphone and talking
Customer Service Minister Victor Dominero was diagnosed with Bell’s palsy.(((

AAP: James Gourley


Customer Service Minister Victor Dominero said he was diagnosed with Bell’s palsy.

Dominero made his announcement yesterday after expressing concern about his “Droopy eyes” during a speech at the COVID-19 press conference at 11:00 am.

“Some people thought I was winking at the cameraman,” Dominero said in a post.

“Some people thought they had a stroke. They were actually diagnosed with Bell’s palsy.”

He said he woke up with a pin and a needle on the right side of his tongue on Wednesday morning. Prior to that, I had pain in the skull behind my right ear.

Dominero thanked those who “reached out” and urged everyone to take care of their health.

“We are focusing on COVID, but there are many other health problems,” he said.

Bell’s palsy is a type of temporary facial paralysis or weakness on one side of the face. Symptoms appear suddenly between 48 and 72 hours.

Fatal puncture wound in southwest Sydney

A man was stabbed to death in southwestern Sydney.

Investigations are underway after a 47-year-old man was found injured in his leg and torso at his home in Bradbury after 8 pm Wednesday.

He was treated by paramedics but died on the scene.

Private hospitals suspend non-urgent selective surgery

Nurse preparing for injection
Medical personnel in private hospitals have been relocated to help fight the state’s pandemic.(((

AAP: James Ross


NSW Health has announced that non-urgent elective surgery will be temporarily suspended at many private hospitals in the state starting next Monday.

They said the decision would free staff and resources to meet the surge in demand for public health systems due to the current outbreak of COVID-19.

Staff at many private hospitals in Greater Sydney, including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast and Wollongong, and locations in some areas are among those located to support vaccination efforts.

All emergency surgery and emergency selective surgery will continue.

The decision, with the full support of the federal government, begins on Wednesday when New South Wales recorded an additional 633 locally acquired cases. This is the maximum number per day since the pandemic began.

Chinese-backed developers launch appeal

Proposed building development drawings
Development in the suburbs of central Alexandria was rejected by the Sydney City Council in June 2020.(((



China-backed developer HPG Australia has brought the city of Sydney to court after the plans for a major apartment complex along Sydney Park have been shattered.

The developers have proposed to build 390 apartments in eight multipurpose towers on the 215-225 Euston Road parcel on the outskirts of central Alexandria.

However, the $ 235 million project was rejected by the council in June 2020 after the original plan turned out to exceed the maximum height limit.

The council at the time said it “impaired quality and comfort” in Sydney Park and did not demonstrate how flood risk was managed.

HPG Australia is owned by Hailing Group, which operates in more than 20 major cities in China.

The company has appealed to the Land Environment Court. Modified plan It is on display until the end of the month.





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