Regeneron: Covid-19 antibody treatment works, but “it’s not the way out of this pandemic.”
Monoclonal antibodies, such as those produced by Regeneron and GlaxoSmithKline, do not work in all Covid-19 patients. As is known, mAb is only available to people over the age of 12 who are not hospitalized or are not seriously ill.
Regeneron’s treatment can also be used by some people who know they have been exposed to the virus. However, there are no positive tests yet. However, its protection does not last long and is not a substitute for vaccines.
“These monoclonal antibodies, such as Regeneron, have proven to radically reduce the chances of someone being hospitalized, and after all, reducing hospitalization is a top priority. Reducing hospitalization makes people Will not be hospitalized. “It’s really important because they know they’ll recover when they go to the hospital in the first place,” said Republican Desantis.
Treatment is effective in reducing severe illness. However, some scientists are more critical of promoting these treatments than other simpler preventative measures.
Dr. Lina Wen, an emergency physician and visiting professor of health policy and management, said: George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health. “It’s the exact opposite of saying that we should focus on treatment rather than emphasizing prevention. The procedure we know is working to stop Covid-19 in the first place.”
Here’s what you need to know about Covid-19 monoclonal antibodies:
What is a monoclonal antibody?
Monoclonal antibodies are laboratory-made proteins that can mimic the ability of the immune system to fight threats such as coronavirus.
When a patient becomes infected, it takes some time for the body to produce antibodies that help fight the infection. These treatments, also known as mAbs, can speed up the body’s ability to fight infections.
Two mAbs specially made to fight the coronavirus are currently in use in the United States.
Can they prevent Covid-19?
It can be given to those who have been exposed to the infection, or to those at high risk of exposure, such as those living in nursing homes with recent cases.
As a precaution, mAbs are used in patients who are not fully vaccinated or who are not expected to initiate an appropriate immune response to the vaccine, such as those who have undergone an organ transplant and are immunocompromised. Is intended to be.
Who can receive Covid-19 monoclonal antibody therapy?
Treatment for people infected with Covid-19 is intended for adults who are not hospitalized and for pediatric patients aged 12 years and older who are at risk of becoming infected with severe Covid-19.
How does someone access the treatment?
The drugs are not in simple tablets and are usually not available in the average clinic, but doctors can prescribe them.
mAb should be given by infusion. Alternatively, if the infusion delays treatment, Regeneron treatment can be given with four subcutaneous injections.
The infusion itself can take about an hour, after which the patient must wait for an observation period to confirm that there are no side effects.
How effective is the treatment?
In March, Regeneron announced a 70% reduction in the risk of hospitalization and death for patients treated within 10 days.
Are there any side effects?
How much is the treatment cost?
Is it difficult to get treatment?
The government has tried to promote the use of mAbs for months, but the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has stated that as of the latest date, August 6, only about half of the decentralized supply is being used. rice field.
“At this point, there are many products available on existing and new sites,” an HHS spokeswoman told CNN last week.
According to HHS, the recent surge in cases of coronavirus has led to a 1,200% increase in orders for monoclonal antibody treatment in the United States over the past month. About 75% of orders come from regions of the United States where vaccination rates are low.
HHS also said the number of doctors using treatment has increased recently. Earlier that year, the federal government sent thousands of doses to the state, many sitting on shelves due to the complex logistics of managing treatment.
During the pandemic, health officials do not always know much about these treatments, and patients push to get them or drive long distances to find a center to manage them. I admitted that I had to.
What is the difference between mAbs and vaccines?
However, protection from antibody treatment does not last as long as vaccines. Treatment usually provides protection for only about a month.
Vaccines take weeks for the immune system to begin to provide protection, but monoclonal antibodies work quickly.
If there is a cure for Covid-19, why do I need a vaccine or other preventative measure?
Treatment is not a treatment and is not an option for all Covid-19 patients.
“Antibodies are an important complement to treatment options, but they are not the way out of this pandemic,” says Wen. “A very small subset of patients are eligible for monoclonal antibody therapy, and administration is resource-intensive and time-consuming.
“The way to get out of this pandemic is to get vaccinated and preventive measures to prevent you from getting infected with Covid in the first place.”
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