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Understand the importance of the day in the prevention of mosquito-borne diseases


World Mosquito Day is held on August 20th every year


  • Achieving the Malaria Zero Goal is the theme of World Mosquito Day 2021.
  • Dengue, malaria and chikungunya are common mosquito-borne diseases
  • Female mosquitoes infect malaria among humans

The relevance of celebrating World Mosquito Day, an event commemorating the discovery of mosquitoes that spread the disease to humans, is still very important today. Mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue and chikungunya are still prevalent in most parts of the country due to unsanitary conditions, rapid urbanization and inadequate wastewater management, to name a few. The theme of World Mosaic Day in 2021 was to eliminate malaria and to reach mediators or other diseases in which mosquitoes are mediators.

World Mosquito Day 2021: Know the importance of this day

The method of transmission begins with the bite of a mosquito and the introduction of parasites into human blood. Mosquitoes act as “carriers” or “carriers” of these diseases, in which viruses inhabit the body of animals and infect them to bite humans. The transmission of this disease from animals to humans is a process called zoonotic disease. Other examples of vector-borne zoonotic diseases include West Nile virus, dengue fever, malaria, and Lyme disease. Symptoms of these diseases often overlap and can be identified by diagnostic tests. Symptoms usually depend on the severity of the person’s infection. Some signs of malaria, malaise, and chikungunya fever include muscle aches, malaise, headaches, fever, weakness, joint pain, and rashes. However, in the case of dengue, the severity of the disease also affects organs and platelet counts, including organ failure, dyspnea, and internal bleeding. The sooner the treatment is provided, the better.

Read again: World Mosquito Day 2021: Use these tips in this monsoon to avoid mosquito bites

Proper awareness through the campaign will help identify the symptoms when people become infected. Because the increase in infections is predominantly seasonal, these awareness campaigns are usually targeted before the monsoon, which is the peak season for these diseases, as mosquitoes breed in stagnant water.


World Mosquito Day 2021: Don’t ignore the early symptoms of mosquito-borne disease
Photo courtesy of iStock

According to Dr Monica Goel, a consultant physician at PD Hinduja Hospital & MRC, “lack of awareness of illness and infection, especially in rural areas, is one of the major drawbacks that limit people’s access to treatment. Mediated disease has diminished over the last few years, but there is still much to do. One of the biggest barriers is the inability of patients in need of an urgent blood transfusion in an emergency to access the platelets. “

Deaths associated with mosquito-borne illnesses can be prevented if they are recognized and detected early. Today, more doctors are vigilant to provide timely diagnosis and treatment. The diagnostic procedure includes early detection of the disease with an immediate blood test that takes only a few hours. This then automatically enables quick and appropriate treatment.

Read again: Protect your child from parents, dengue mosquitoes: There are some precautionary steps you need to know

Most of these illnesses require preventive care, so Dr. Goel gives some simple tips to follow to prevent the possibility of infection. Some of these tips include using mosquito repellents when on the go, wearing full sleeves, putting mosquito nets on windows, and keeping your surroundings clean. Appropriate measures must be taken to protect yourself and your family.

(Dr Monica Goel is a consultant doctor at PD Hinduja Hospital & MRC in Mumbai)

Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides general information only. It is by no means a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult your specialist or family doctor for more information. NDTV is not responsible for this information.





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