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Let’s take a look at COVID-19 in Virginia by county. Area where the biggest jump was seen on Friday, August 20, 2021

Let’s take a look at COVID-19 in Virginia by county. Area where the biggest jump was seen on Friday, August 20, 2021


Richmond, Virginia-The Ministry of Health reported that of a total of 208,083 tests processed in the past week, 16,253 were COVID-19 positive. This brings the total number of Virginia coronavirus cases to 734,079.

As of the Friday update, 32,670 people (+577 from the previous Friday) were hospitalized and 11,647 were hospitalized. According to the (+48) update, people died as a result of COVID-19-related illness Virginia Health Department (VDH) data..

Scroll down to see a complete city / county breakdown of COVID-19 cases in Virginia

In these regions, there was the largest surge (more than 100) in COVID-19 cases last week. (August 16th to 20th):

Central Virginia
Chesterfield 31,012 (+835)
Henrico 28,138 (+683)
Richmond City 18,814 (+527)
Hanover 9,220 (+231)
Petersburg 4,263 (+100)

Hampton Roads
Virginia Beach 40,203 (+1,257)
Chesapeake 23,343 (+611)
Newport News 16,085 (+581)
Norfolk 19,745 (+559)
Hampton 11,866 (+328)
Portsmouth 10,025 (+284)
James City 5,225 (+207)
Suffolk 8,789 (+205)
York 4,218 (+110)

Northern Virginia
Fairfax 81,115 (+1,103)
Prince William 48,067 (+596)
Loudon 29,644 (+328)
Stafford 12,597 (+316)
Spotsylvania 11,186 (+282)
Arlington 16,236 (+230)
Alexandria 12,558 (+168)

Additional regions:
Augusta 6,583 (+333)
Loanoke City 9,398 (+207)
Roanoke County 9,220 (+200)
Frederick 8,806 (+192)
Pittsylvania 6,127 (+171)
Washington 5,481 (+154)
Lynchburg 8,029 (+144)
Weiss 3,148 (+142)
Fauquier 5,274 (+141)
Bedford 7,261 (+135)
Montgomery 9,769 (+133)
Danville 4,854 (+130)
Wise 3,636 (+126)
Rocking gum 7,278 (+121)
Franklin County 4,488 (+118)
Campbell 5,419 (+109)
Albemarle 6,243 (+108)
Taswell 4,046 (+107)
Shenandoah 4,618 (+107)
Henry 4,974 (+103)
Accomac 3,150 (+103)

Breakdown of cases by city / county (August 16-August 20)

Accomac 3,150 (+103)
Albemarle 6,243 (+108)
Alexandria 12,558 (+168)
Ally Gainy 1,455 (+28)
Amelia 1,034 (+17)
Amherst 3,235 (+81)
Appomattox 1,761 (+57)
Arlington 16,236 (+230)
Augusta 6,583 (+333)

Bus 283 (+5)
Bedford 7,261 (+135)
Brand 742 (+16)
Botetourt 2,868 (+56)
Bristol 1,755 (+64)
Brunswick 1,442 (+48)
Buchanan 1,705 (+50)
Buckingham 2,221 (+17)
Buena Vista City 954 (+9)

Campbell 5,419 (+109)
Caroline 3,022 (+68)
Carol 2,922 (+70)
Charles City 546 (+6)
Charlotte 937 (+28)
Charlottesville 4,256 (+70)
Chesapeake 23,343 (+611)
Chesterfield 31,012 (+835)
Clark 1,050 (+27)
Colonial Heights 1,956 (+55)
Covington 632 (+4)
Craig 374 (+20)
Culpeper 5,025 (+82)
Cumberland 558 (+12)

Danville 4,854 (+130)
Dickenson 1,067 (+19)
Dinwidy 2,385 (+71)

Emporia 718 (+21)
Essex 842 (+15)

Fairfax 81,115 (+1,103)
Fairfax City 585 (+6)
Falls Church 446 (+5)
Fauquier 5,274 (+141)
Floyd 991 (+33)
Full Bana 2,038 (+34)
Franklin City 1,219 (+24)
Franklin County 4,488 (+118)
Frederick 8,806 (+192)
Fredericksburg 2,321 (+50)

Galax 1,222 (+15)
Giles 1,434 (+41)
Gloucester 2,664 (+91)
Goochland 1,606 (+40)
Grayson 1,594 (+28)
Green 1,476 (+45)
Greensville 1,635 (+25)

Halifax 3,067 (+93)
Hampton 11,866 (+328)
Hanover 9,220 (+231)
Harrisonburg 6,709 (+59)
Henrico 28,138 (+683)
Henry 4,974 (+103)
Highland 123 (+2)
Hopewell 2,999 (+88)

Isle of Wight 3,486 (+79)

James City 5,225 (+207)

King and Queen 447 (+17)
King George 1,850 (+39)
King William 1,402 (+47)

Lancaster 822 (+34)
Lee 2,575 (+46)
Lexington 1,248 (+18)
Loudon 29,644 (+328)
Luisa 2,195 (+44)
Lunenburg 842 (+16)
Lynchburg 8,029 (+144)

Madison 661 (+16)
Manassas City 4,458 (+57)
Manassa Spark 1,240 (+7)
Martinsville 1,703 (+36)
Matthew 658 (+16)
Mecklenberg 2,608 (+68)
Middlesex 633 (+23)
Montgomery 9,769 (+133)

Nelson 958 (+38)
New Kent 1,711 (+40)
Newport News 16,085 (+581)
Norfolk 19,745 (+559)
Northampton 852 (+22)
Northumberland 847 (+37)
Norton 354 (+18)
Nottoway 2,082 (+46)

Orange 2,456 (+85)

Page 2,304 (+48)
Patrick 1,522 (+39)
Petersburg 4,263 (+100)
Pittsylvania 6,127 (+171)
Poquason 971 (+19)
Portsmouth 10,025 (+284)
Poitan 2,117 (+64)
Prince Edward 2,291 (+52)
Prince George 3,979 (+69)
Prince William 48,067 (+596)
Plus key 2,998 (+74)

Radford 2,379 (+37)
Rappahannock 397 (+13)
Richmond City 18,814 (+527)
Richmond County 1,362 (+16)
Loanoke City 9,398 (+207)
Roanoke County 9,220 (+200)
Rock Bridge 1,638 (+20)
Rocking gum 7,278 (+121)
Russell 2,478 (+74)

Salem 2,436 (+56)
Scott 2,083 (+69)
Shenandoah 4,618 (+107)
Smith 3,217 (+93)
Southampton 2,051 (+24)
Spotsylvania 11,186 (+282)
Stafford 12,597 (+316)
Stanton 2,660 (+44)
Suffolk 8,789 (+205)
Sally 466 (+13)
Sussex 1,283 (+26)

Taswell 4,046 (+107)

Virginia Beach 40,203 (+1,257)

Warren 3,425 (+85)
Washington 5,481 (+154)
Waynesboro 2,568 (+51)
Westmoreland 1,378 (+24)
Williamsburg 863 (+28)
Winchester 3,100 (+46)
Wise 3,636 (+126)
Weiss 3,148 (+142)

York 4,218 (+110)



Who is sick

Coronavirus was first affected by people between the ages of 50 and 69, and currently accounts for nearly 24% of Virginia cases.

However, people in their twenties now account for 19.5 percent of state cases.

In addition, data show that people between the ages of 30 and 49 account for 31.3 percent of cases.

According to statistics, children and teens account for 16.5% of cases.

More women are infected with the virus in 377,913 cases, compared to 350,641 cases reported in men. No 5,252 genders have been reported in the Commonwealth.



Richmond Raceway Mass COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic.

Virginians over the age of 12 are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. Pre-registration is no longer required, So go to Vaccine finder Find a specific vaccine available near you or call 877-VAX-IN-VA (877-275-8343).

Have you been completely vaccinated?

People are considered fully vaccinated:

  • Two weeks after the second inoculation of a two-dose series such as Pfizer or Modana vaccines, or
  • Two weeks after a single dose vaccine such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine

Virginia Department of Health

What you can and should not do after you have been completely vaccinated.

How to protect yourself and others when fully vaccinated

The COVID-19 vaccine is effective in preventing illness.based on What we know For the COVID-19 vaccine, fully vaccinated people can start some things they quit because of a pandemic.

We are still learning how vaccines affect the spread of COVID-19. After complete vaccination with COVID-19, Continue to take precautionsWear a mask, 6 feet away from others, and in public places until we know more, to avoid crowds and poorly ventilated areas.

These recommendations will help you make decisions about your daily activities after being fully vaccinated.

they are No subject Healthcare settings..
Click here for more information about the Virginia Department of Health.

    Rely on CBS 6 News and for the most complete coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic.





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