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Best Recovery Programs used in UK rehab

Best Recovery Programs used in UK rehab


A prolonged dependency on drugs as well as alcoholic beverages could potentially drive a person into depression. And though this has been general knowledge, addiction remains a taboo subject for all.

Fortunately, there are quite a few advancements in the medical field that various recovery programs have started to build their presence to reach out to more patients. Click here if you’re looking for elaborated resources about addiction itself.

Frankly, provided recovery programs differ in nature depending on the current state of the patient. Yet, a couple of examples recognized to be the most effective are:

Drumming Therapy

It’s a common issue for recovering addicts to encounter difficulties such as intense stress or anxiety levels once they’ve started to drop the alcohol or substance abuse.

This may be a result of the long-term dependency of the person on those elements. Luckily, drumming therapy has showcased itself as a promising solution by providing therapeutic effects and improving individuals’ quality of life.

The situation is owed to its ability to allow the person to connect with themselves and others through releasing, restoring, and healing the damages brought by the addiction.

This recovery program showed support in the improvement of the following concerns:

  • Enhancing psychological well-being
  • Boosting self-esteem
  • Reducing impulsive behaviors
  • Minimizing psychological and physical tensions by means of self-expression
  • Providing a platform in alleviating emotional trauma or negative feelings
  • Managing the patient’s chronic pain
  • Nurturing the immune system
  • Promotes improved social skills

Healthy Eating

Contrary to what you’ve grown up with, having a healthy diet isn’t just a norm but is also known to be a medical treatment for transformed addicts.

For healthcare professionals, the motto of “you are what you eat” is a mantra that’s extremely helpful for their patients. The reason is that a healthy meal could sustain the person with their needed nutrition, especially if it hasn’t been too long since they joined the program.

For drug or alcohol dependents, eating a meal isn’t a priority, which is why they tend to appear skinny due to suffering from the lack of proper nutrients in the body.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that patients adding on weight isn’t a problem as well. For instance, chronic alcoholics generally gain at least 50% of their average weight based on the additional calories obtained from the alcohol they consume.

Once the effect of alcohol wears out, these people would lean on only ingesting alcohol without eating real food, robbing themselves of the essential nutrients and vitamins needed to maintain a healthy body weight.

It’s worth noting that drug users are also at risk of having a similar fate as substances like opiates cause gastrointestinal distress, making it uncomfortable for the patient to eat.

Along with this, taking sedatives could suppress the person’s appetite until eating food becomes repulsive.

To summarize, assisting the patient towards proper nutrition aids them in achieving a long-term recovery since it successfully equips them with the right kind of nutrients to help in their speedy recovery.

DBT treatment

Dialectical Behavioural Treatment, also known as DBT treatment, is one of the programs offered in the UK rehabilitation clinics.

It’s a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) advanced by the University of Washington psychologist Marsha Linehan back in the 1980s. Linehan initially created the DBT to support patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and struggling with chronic suicidal thoughts.

With its success, professionals have gradually included the treatment aligned with other addiction therapies. It demonstrated itself to be the top card in assisting in the substance abuse cure process.

Unlike other behavioral therapies, the DBT differentiates itself by relying on support-based, collaborative, and cognitive-based systems.

Through this method, patients are introduced to the four foundations or modules regarding mindfulness, regulating emotions, improving distress tolerance, and encouraging an effective interpersonal relationship.

Overall, it aims to present viable goals by building the principle of mindfulness using meditative exercises and embracing their thoughts. They are followed by teaching how to tolerate distress by assisting the person in applying various strategies to see the positive in any situation.

Likewise, they foster their patient’s ability to keep their emotions in check rather than permitting them to dictate their next course of action. Then finally, guiding them to cultivate their skill to ask for help in meeting their own needs openly.

As a whole, these mentioned treatments are just the needle to the haystack, yet there’s an incredible number of testimonials and studies that back up these methods.

Not only are they efficient and affordable for most, but they were also developed to aid in specific addictions. Above all, you must approach professionals to assess the situation and recommend the best possible option.


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