New South Wales lung experts describe the “terrible” effects of COVID seen in Sydney hospitals
Doctors in Sydney provided disastrous insights into how her COVID-19 patient suffered from the Delta strain when the state broke another daily record of infection.
Lucy Morgan, a pulmonologist working at the forefront of Sydney’s Nepian and Concord hospitals, says how young people develop “migraine-like” headaches and coughs and can’t walk or talk. I explained.
Dr. Morgan also said there was a “painful” case in which his parents were infected and had no family to safely care for his young children, after which he was transferred to another hospital for treatment.
Dr. Morgan, an associate professor at the University of Sydney, appeared at a press conference this morning with Premier of New South Wales, Gladys Berejikrian, explaining what she had seen in person.
This is an edited copy of what she said.
“I know some people are still worried about vaccination, so I wanted to share some stories with you about how you get sick and feel with COVID-19. ..
And if you can understand a little more about how you feel when you get sick with COVID-19, you will be able to feel a little more anxiety about vaccines, a little more anxiety about illness, and understand what you can do constructively. hoping. This reduces the chance of getting sick.
When you are exposed to the virus, most of us have few early symptoms …. they will be a headache, a little sore throat, and probably a little, a common cold or flu symptom Cough .. Some people have muscle aches, while others have a fever in the early days. However, some people are out of breath and dizzy. And these are the types of symptoms that require urgent medical assistance.
If you are infected with COVID-19 and are short of breath, have difficulty breathing, or are dizzy, you should call an ambulance. Ambulances are free, your medical care is free, and there will be people who can take care of you even if English is not your primary language.
The symptoms of COVID-19 that have affected many patients I have been caring for in the last few weeks include not only a slight headache, but also a very severe migraine-like headache that causes you. It will be. It is light sensitive, has stiff shoulders, and needs more than Panador to relieve it. It’s really terrible.
Many of my patients have a bad cough, a breathtaking cough, and they can’t move, talk, or walk without the cough really getting worse. Many patients have diarrhea. Many patients have nausea. They just can’t eat or drink anything. And people feel overwhelmingly tired and all they can do is lie down in bed.
Some of these patients are increasingly out of breath. At first I was out of breath, walking quickly and making beds, but over time I started to breathe out and walk and talk.
If someone is at home with such serious symptoms, they need to call an ambulance. Call an ambulance instead of ringing to make an appointment with a general practitioner. These are a kind of symptom and symptom that tells me that the disease of COVID-19 is progressing and progressing rapidly.
As people become more and more out of breath, oxygen in the blood begins to drop and additional levels of support need to be increased to maintain those oxygen levels. It may be oxygen through a small nasal prong that enters the nose, but as things progress and people get sick, they may actually need a machine to breathe for them. Hmm.
One of the things I noticed in the hospital these days was the tragic story of a very young patient. I have taken care of patients in their 20s, 30s and 40s.
Many have very young children, and many have partners who are admitted to other hospitals, confusing their families. Many of these patients have children who need to be admitted to other hospitals so that some can be safely cared for. All of them have extended families that have been affected in many ways by the effects of COVID-19 disease. Those who have been caring for severe respiratory illness in the last few days have not been completely vaccinated.
This doesn’t have to be you … Two doses of COVID-19 vaccination will be in your armor suit. Protects you from COVID-19 illness, hospital admission, and ICU infection. Protect your loved ones and protect yourself. “
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