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NSWCOVID-19 patients share stories and horrifying symptoms from a Sydney hospital bed


Sydney Ciders Fawaz, Ramona and Osama talked about what it would be like to be infected with the coronavirus after a positive reaction during the constant outbreak of Delta strains in New South Wales.

Three COVID-infected Sydney cider fighting the virus in the hospital shared the harsh reality of their condition when begging residents to move forward for a vaccine.

Lucy Morgan, a lung specialist at Concord Hospital, shared the story of three patients on Wednesday as New South Wales recorded a high of 919 coronavirus cases.

In a disastrous video footage posted on social media, 50-year-old Fawaz lay down in a hospital bed and talked about his experience fighting the Delta strain of the virus.

You can watch the full video here

“I booked the vaccine on October 23, but I was very careful about where I went and what I did. I don’t know how I caught the virus,” he said.

“And I’m not doing very well so far.”

Six fathers, Patney’s construction workers in the northwestern suburbs of Sydney, said his entire family had been attacked by COVID-19.

He also said his daughter had been transferred to the hospital, saying “she isn’t feeling well either.”

“Her heart rate is too high, she finds it difficult to breathe,” he said.

The experience of Fawaz is comparable to that of Osama, 35. Osama’s children are still hospitalized after a positive test.

The high-impact Southwestern suburbs of Lakemba, Traddy, said the fight against COVID-19 was “dying.”

“That’s terrible. My kids are in West Mead, my wife is in another hospital, I’m in another hospital. It separated us. It wasn’t easy,” he said. Said.

He said his main symptoms were shortness of breath, fever and headache.

“It was tough,” he said. “A combination of things you don’t want to experience.”

Osama said the virus is “not worth it” and residents should roll up their sleeves for the COVI 9-19 jab.

“You don’t want to go through it,” he said.

Ramona, sitting in a hospital bed and wearing a nasal cannula, said it was “very important” to understand how realistic the virus was.

“You don’t have to feel or suffer from the virus to understand how realistic it is,” she said.

The two 30-year-old mothers had been vaccinated once with the coronavirus vaccine, but “unfortunately” it was only a few days from the second day before the test was positive.

Ramona said residents should be vaccinated. Otherwise, you may have trouble breathing like her and go to the hospital.

“It puts a physical and mental burden on you,” she explained.

“It’s not just physical. I had two children and had a major surgery. I’m recovering or pushing myself to try to recover so mentally. I didn’t have to. “

“We don’t have to reach the stage where our community wakes up and realizes that this is the real thing.”

As of Thursday, the hospital had 698 COVID-19 cases, 116 in the intensive care unit and 43 in the ventilator.





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