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The GP has ordered all non-urgent blood tests to be discontinued throughout the UK until September.

The GP has ordered all non-urgent blood tests to be discontinued throughout the UK until September.


All non-urgent community blood tests by GPS And other medical services NHS England Today, the nationwide shortage of blood collection tubes has become “serious.”

of New alert to medical services on Thursday, NHS England also in hospital Blood test The doctor’s request is 25%.

The NHS Trust has been warned that if some organizations run out of tubes, they need to plan to help each other.

The NHS England said the lack of blood collection tubes is likely to worsen before it improves.

The new changes are designed to expand the existing supply and will take effect soon and will last until at least September 17th.

Staff at one major hospital are told that the shortage has reached a “significant” level and that staff need to take urgent action.

Steve Powis, NHS England’s medical director, said in a warning about the service: Position improvement is expected from mid-September, but overall supply may remain difficult for quite some time.

“The following measures should be applied by the UK’s entire NHS, all outsourced services, and independent providers of the UK’s NHS Services, regardless of the blood tube product used.”

He added: “Except for clinically urgent examinations, all primary care and community examinations must be discontinued until September 17, 2021. Acute and Mental Health Trusts until September 17, 2021. Demand should be reduced by at least 25% for 3 weeks.

“Organizations are required to ensure that sites experiencing serious shortages are ready to provide mutual aid throughout the region and the regional system.”

The NHS England said it plans to start using alternative products, which will take some time for the tubes to be imported and delivered to the trust.

“It is important and urgent to reduce demand as much as possible and respond immediately to this letter,” he added.

Message to the staff Leeds Teaching Hospital TrustSeen in Independent, Warned staff not to order blood tests unless it was “absolutely clinically urgent”.

The message warned: “The ongoing shortage of blood collection tubes is now significant. You need your urgent attention to manage our testing and supply.

“Just request Blood test Absolutely clinically urgent. Advanced clinical oversight is required for the order of examinations. “

The Trust said it was “taking all possible action” to reduce the effects of the shortage and “we must avoid compromising patient care.”

Elsewhere, the Royal United Hospitals Bath Foundation Trust has told GPs in the region that the number of blood tests it requires should be reduced by more than 50%, the Health Service Journal reported.

In a letter that HSJ saw, Trust said: We are aiming for a reduction of 50% or more. “

This meant stopping and monitoring all health examinations and preventive medicine tests as trust focused on the needs of urgent patients.

The NHS supply chain, which handles NHS England and NHS equipment orders at the national level, has been trying to control inventory levels since the onset of the crisis, but there is growing concern that the shortage may worsen before it improves. ..

The British Medical Association said the shortage was a serious concern.

In response to the latest warning from the NHS England, Dr. David Wrigley, Vice-Chair of the British Medical Association, said: The reason why there was no emergency response plan. And what if, despite NHS England’s efforts to avoid this, GP surgery and hospitals run out of blood tubes by September 17th?

“It’s not unreasonable to doubt that there must have been a time when the NHS England and the government knew there was a shortage of blood tubes. So now,” Why what to mitigate it? Isn’t it done? “

He added: “In the meantime, patients who need various blood tests may face cancellations or, at best, delays in those tests, which is a major concern. Blood tests are the basis of patient care. It is a part and provides important insights into various conditions, warning signs, and overall health. If they cannot be performed or are delayed, the quality of patient care is at stake.

“Patients need to have clear information about the scale of the problem, the potential impact of the problem on the patient, and what is being done to keep the patient safe. It is from NHS England. , And need to come soon. “

Manufacturer Becton Dickinson warned the NHS of the problem in July, stating that there was a shortage of raw materials due to rising global demand and “British border challenges”.

A BD spokeswoman said the company is maximizing its product supply and expanding its manufacturing capacity.




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