Confusion over Covid jabs over 12 years old in the UK ahead of the new semester | UK News
![Confusion over Covid jabs over 12 years old in the UK ahead of the new semester | UK News Confusion over Covid jabs over 12 years old in the UK ahead of the new semester | UK News](,left&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctZGVmYXVsdC5wbmc&enable=upscale&s=95ce5a78bed445ea669150c4528bce70)
As the UK school prepares to return next week, there is growing confusion as to whether Covid jabs will be offered immediately to all children over the age of 12. NHS As we prepare for vaccination, government scientists warn of potential complications.
While the parallel question of who will be given a third “booster” is unclear, the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI) has announced a knock-on effect on other childhood vaccinations and ages 12-15. Group program for.
at present, Vaccines are provided to people over the age of 16.
However, Both Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna jabs Only 12 to 17 years old are approved Children aged 12 to 15 Vaccinated – especially those who live with people who are clinically very vulnerable or at risk.
on Thursday reveals NHS England All children over the age of 12 are advised to be prepared for vaccination because they need to plan by 4 pm on Friday.
Development has happened, even though the guidance from JCVI, which advises the government on vaccination programs, has not changed. “The minister has not yet received further advice from JCVI on this age group,” a government spokesman told the Guardian.
Some scientists have generally insisted on extending jabs over the age of 12, pointing out that some children are very ill or have long Covids, which It claims to help reduce community infections.
Regarding the BBC Radio 4 Today program on Thursday, Professor Devi Sridhar, Dean of the University of Edinburgh’s Department of Global Public Health, said that the Delta variant is “flying around school” and will offer Covid jabs aged 12 to 15 years. Said that he was in favor of. “.
However, others emphasize a delicate balance of risk and benefit to individual children. There are also ethical issuesRicher countries, especially with the World Health Organization, should postpone giving jabs to children and teenagers, and vulnerable people in poorer countries remain unvaccinated.
JCVI has already warned that Covid vaccination drives may have Leading to “vaccination fatigue” Therefore, the number of teenagers is decreasing England Get vaccinated for conditions ranging from meningitis to cervical cancer.
NHS England mobilization may suggest an imminent decision to expand the Covid vaccination program, but Guardians understand that preparation may simply be a logistics issue. increase.
One JCVI source said that being able to vaccinate a 16-year-old child to cover issues such as protection would require three hours of additional training and could present challenges to the Covid vaccination hub. I told the Guardian that there was. Other vaccination programs.
Following reports that children could give it, there is further confusion about childhood vaccine consent.
The Guardian understands that the process is a bit complicated.According to the department health In social care, if a qualified child wants a jab but does not have parental consent, it is very likely that a discussion will be held with the parent or caretaker and vaccination will only be given with the child’s consent. It is rare.
Scottish Deputy Prime Minister John Swinney on Wednesday Scottish school return said Last week, it helped a dramatic increase in cases, and recently many young people tested positive for Covid.
But personally speaking, Professor Rowland Kao of the University of Edinburgh and participants in the government’s SPI-M modeling group rose at least a week before the school returned factors of meaning other than mixing at school. Said it started. Probably important in relation to the end of school holidays.
“People who return to work after vacation and change mixed patterns-perhaps meeting with friends, returning to social activity, and gradual changes in activity and behavior as restrictions are relaxed may all contribute. “He said.
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