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Coronavirus vaccine has saved 100,000 lives so far, PHE studies show

Coronavirus vaccine has saved 100,000 lives so far, PHE studies show


According to a Public Health Service (PHE) study, the UK vaccination program has saved more than 100,000 lives and prevented more than 24 million infections so far.

Latest quote from PHE It suggests that the rapid deployment of jabs has prevented 105,900 deaths and 24,088,000 infections.

Health Minister Sajid Javid said the new data were “amazing” and “evidence of the UK’s vaccination program,” adding that the vaccine made a “life-changing difference” in the fight against the pandemic. ..

“We continue to help us build stronger defensive walls every day,” he added, “protecting people from harm and allowing us to return to normal life.” It’s helping to regain freedom, “he added.

Dr. Mary Ramsay, Head of Immunization at PHE, said: Everyone who has made progress in search of vaccines has participated in this important effort. “

NS Financial Times The data explain that the estimated impact of vaccination on infection and mortality is calculated by comparing it to the worst-case scenario in which no vaccine or additional non-pharmaceutical intervention was given to reduce infection and mortality. bottom.

The PHE survey was conducted by another survey. Died during hospitalization or due to blood clots People infected with the coronavirus are “much more expensive” than those who were first vaccinated.

Back in April, confidence in the UK’s Covid vaccination program was at risk of being undermined by the news of being under the age of 30. Oxford-Providing an alternative to AstraZeneca jab As a result of blood clot concerns.

However Evening standard Yesterday, a study of more than 29 million people over the age of 16 who first received either the AstraZeneca or Pfizer vaccine in the UK between December and April found that “the risk of thrombocytopenia in coronavirus-infected individuals is about 9″. It’s twice as expensive. ” Those who have had a single dose of AstraZeneca jab developed in the United Kingdom.

Julia Hippisley-Cox, a professor of clinical epidemiology and general practice at Oxford University, said: In some context. “

Health officials are “preparing for a surge in bank vacations for coronavirus cases,” with about 500,000 people heading to music festivals and millions stepping into tourist hotspots. Parents Said.

At least eight festivals, including Leeds and Reading and Creamfields in Cheshire, are expected to attract about 500,000 people across the UK. The UK is expected to enjoy warm, sunny weather over the weekend, and rail transport group data also showed that ticket sales for trains at seaside destinations were above pre-pandemic levels.

Authorities warned Thursday that some of the NHS are fighting “unprecedented high levels of demand” despite the success of the vaccination program. More cases can confuse school return Next week.




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