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Studies show that dogs can predict epileptic seizures


New studies have found that dogs can predict seizures and provide warning signs to potentially life-saving owners.

Epileptic seizures are associated with certain odors that pet dogs can detect.

Scientists at Queen’s University Belfast have analyzed the dog’s response to odor and found that it can predict when a seizure is imminent.

A reliable early warning system that informs epilepsy patients that a seizure is imminent saves lives, reduces injuries, provides opportunities for medical intervention, and regains independence for people suffering from unpredictable seizures. There is a possibility.

Epilepsy is a debilitating and potentially life-threatening neurological condition that affects approximately 65 million people worldwide, 30% of whom cannot be controlled by medication.

Currently, there are no reliable and simple early warning seizure onset devices. That is, many people with unstable epilepsy live for fear of injury, sudden death, and the negative effects of social stigma.

There have been case reports of pet dogs predicting their owners’ seizures by showing cautious and attention-grabbing behavior, but so far no scientific study has investigated the authenticity of these claims.

Dr. Neil Powell, Principal Researcher at Queens Department of Life Sciences, said: React the dog before the attack.

“The results show that pet dogs are a reliable source of information for detecting the onset of seizures.”

This study is published in the journal MDPI Animals.

Researchers investigated how a cohort of pet dogs responded to the appearance of seizure-related odors.

Researchers used two specially designed devices called remote odor delivery mechanisms to separately deliver seizure-related odors and non-seizure-related odors and record the dog’s response to each. Did.

Using 19 pet dogs with no epilepsy experience, researchers exposed them to odors that appear to be characteristic of the three seizure stages by using sweat harvested from people with epilepsy. rice field.

By altering the alternating odors emanating from pre- and post-seizure sweat samples, and two non-seizure controls, researchers recorded pet responses.

They found that all 19 dogs exhibited more affinity behavioral changes when faced with seizure-related odors compared to their response to control odors.

Dr. Powell added: “Our findings clearly show that all dogs responded to seizure-related odors by making eye contact with their owners, touching, crying, and barking.

“There is a unique volatile odor associated with epileptic seizures, and dogs can warn their owners that seizures are likely to occur.

“Our study was based on untrained pet dogs. Training dogs can make a big difference to owners experiencing unpredictable seizures, only safety. It should also greatly help improve their safety. Quality of life. “

This study was funded and collaborated by Epilepsy Ireland and Disability Assistance Dogs.

Peter Murphy, Chief Executive Officer of Epilepsy Ireland, said:

“This is especially the case when the seizures are accompanied by loss of consciousness and the risk of injury is high.

“Recent efforts have focused on technical solutions, but the scientific evidence supporting case reports on the dog’s ability to predict seizures is exciting and highly welcome news. “




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